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am i only one who doesn't really like season 3? like it's not bad but it feels boring, too slow in a way how they seem to endlessly drag the scenes (like episode 2). like nothing special is happening. only the storylines of walton goggins and jason isaacs characters seems interesting because


goggins chracter seems to hunt the husband of the hotel owner and isaacs character has serious business troubles


i love lalisa's character though!


also the greg part is kinda intruiging as well but like...we know who is actually is




wtf was that robbery scene, like it was ridiculous


i absolutely loved season 1 and season 2. when i started watching season 2 i thought that it's not going to top season 1 but i was wrong. it was even better and it was already fantastic from the first episode. i loved the intertwinedness of it and the fucked up characters. season 1 was funnier but season 2 was like funny-serious in a good way. it's like more twisted and dramatic.


that being said, i think that i'll finish the third season when all the episodes are out. 


i read that 4th season will come out as well, filming starts in 2026!


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I can only handle so many scenes of


The rich white dad freaking out over obscure phone calls and his corrupt empire falling apart in front of him

Like we get it get to the joosy stuff :oprah3:


Overall still enjoying the show love the three white lady friends dynamic it’s so good :oprah3:

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15 minutes ago, Embach said:

am i only one who doesn't really like season 3? like it's not bad but it feels boring, too slow in a way how they seem to endlessly drag the scenes (like episode 2). like nothing special is happening. only the storylines of walton goggins and jason isaacs characters seems interesting because

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goggins chracter seems to hunt the husband of the hotel owner and isaacs character has serious business troubles


i love lalisa's character though!


also the greg part is kinda intruiging as well but like...we know who is actually is



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wtf was that robbery scene, like it was ridiculous


i absolutely loved season 1 and season 2. when i started watching season 2 i thought that it's not going to top season 1 but i was wrong. it was even better and it was already fantastic from the first episode. i loved the intertwinedness of it and the fucked up characters. season 1 was funnier but season 2 was like funny-serious in a good way. it's like more twisted and dramatic.


that being said, i think that i'll finish the third season when all the episodes are out. 


i read that 4th season will come out as well, filming starts in 2026!

I felt the same way about season 2 until the middle of the season. I think season 1 was the best with pacing and funny moments, I never was bored even with the earlier episodes because they all had super funny moments 


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4 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

Love this show. Forever and always :oprah: Shit is about to hit the fan, I can feel it 

It's my first time watching the show as the episodes come out, as I binged the other two. And for some reason, I feel both excited and bored by the current season. It just feels like hardly anything is happening. That being said it might be the effect of having to wait a week before episodes which makes it feel slow. The writers are great at slowly building tension throughout the series, so I know when shit does hit the fan it'll be glorious :sass:.  But something mad needs to happen ASAP!

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