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"Lana Del Hate", the average everyday Lana Del Rey haters

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My mum's ex-partner who I now can't stand, hates Lana because I like her. He started not liking me because I stopped putting up with his sh*t, and that was around the time I started first listening to Lana. He now hates her because 'she is a created singer with money and blah blah whatever'. Before he knew how much I liked her, my mum played 'Summertime Sadness' and he liked it. But once he found out it was Lana he never liked it and doesn't ever remember saying he liked it. Basically he can't handle women, especially young women and is sexist. 

People say Lana is shit because her dad has money- I DIDN'T KNOW THAT IF YOU HAVE MONEY, YOU DON'T HAVE TALENT?? What does the talent suddenly disappear once you have money or your parents do. 

And what's with Lana living in a trailer park- is that true like in her songs? Because if it is, she obviously wasn't cashing in on her fathers wealth, she would have been set up in a nice lovely apartment in L.A.- AND YOU KNOW WHAT, IF SHE WAS IN A NICE APARTMENT, IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! I think it is really nice if her dad did help her with money problems, if he has money then why shouldn't she benefit? No one seems to understand- it doesn't matter how much money you have, you don't magically become a wonderful singer- you only have one voice- lessons and filler machines can only do so much, so Lana is obviously a natural great singer/songwriter. 

Can anyone else think of celebs who had rich parents?

  • Stella Mcartney 
  • Linda Mcartney
  • Beyonce
  • Glenn Close
  • Chevy Chase
  • Taylor Swift
  • Lady Gaga
  • Cody Horn (Magic Mike)
  • Julia Louis Dreyfus 

and what about nepotism:

  • Kirstin Stewert
  • Blake Lively
  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Keira Knightley
  • Rashida Jones 
  • Emily and Zooey Deschanel



    But do they hate all of these people? No!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe, but not because they had rich or influential parents- only because some might be annoying or whatever.



    My rant has ended...for now ;)

    Sorry for the long post guys :) 



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If this makes them happy, then do it. Just look at them, they want attention. Sorry, but they seem miserable. I don't care. I've wasted 2 minutes for them, and that's more than enough.


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my parents hate lana because they think she's fake. i told them about her history (alcohol, boarding school, meth etc.) once to show them her career wasn't just bought by her daddy but now they think she made all that up but most people don't even know about her real history....annoying.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I don't really pay attention to Lana haters. I like her and that's all that matters to me. But in the second video, the guy didn't really bother me at all. He was trying to be entertaining with his opinion, but in the first video, the people really bothered me. They made themselves look like idiots. 

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No one I know really hates her but one of my brothers thinks her music isn't 'that great' based off BTD. :wtf:


My mum also thought she looked like Amy Adams on the cover of the Paradise Edition. lel

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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my parents hate lana because they think she's fake. i told them about her history (alcohol, boarding school, meth etc.) once to show them her career wasn't just bought by her daddy but now they think she made all that up but most people don't even know about her real history....annoying.


Preach it  :legend:


Also I hate when people call her Lana del zzz, they say their songs are boring but they only have heard one song  :emma:





fuck them  :judgingu:



  • Kirstin Stewert


Kristen Stewart*  :creep:

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Makes me feel like quoting that MySpace interview she did a while back;


"What would you say to all the haters?"

"I don't think I'd say anything."  



Exactly. She's rich, talented, famous, has tons of fans....Jealousy in it's purest form. :hottie:

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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Clearly Lana's family has money, and one would presume they have supported her career, but why wouldn't they?  Not only does she clearly have oodles of talent, but it is abundantly evident in her body of work.  Those close to her would have seen this as they watched her grow.  She has always had a one-in-a-million upside, and it is still evident today.  She just keeps getting better.  As Lana said:


"It's money and technology.

 Together we'd be deadly.

 You know the world is mean.

 Nothing is for free."

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