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Lana songs you didn’t understand… until now

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For me recently it has been Last Girl On Earth.


I never quite understood if it was an allegorical and figurative song, or perhaps just in a demo form. But I’ve also resonated with it. 

But now I understand it to be an open ended love letter to her husband or boyfriend after she has died. She makes references Cleopatra and Mary (roses in my hair) who can be understood as iconic, supernatural female historical characters. She makes statements at contrast with reality (I’m the last girl on earth, they play my favorite song on the TV). It’s more or less her looking into the world after she has died, think back to how the world reacted to the death of Princess Diana or Michael Jackson. I would also say there are references to her being very much dead as she says “I get so tired being on display somehow / Sometimes I get lonely, but millions all know me now”, suggesting she has since passed and her form can be loved only spiritually.

The song’s theme of death (or in particular suicide) is mostly extended by telling her previous boyfriend/husband to join her in the afterlife by claiming “No such thing as heaven”right before the song ends. 

In a way she could be kept in some sort of hell/purgatory scenario too.


Has anyone else made a similar revelation? 

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I remember when I first heard honeymoon I was convinced Swan Song was literally like this is the last album - I was very sad like omg no.

Especially when around the time I read those articles after born to die Lana claimed she didn’t know about making another record.



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6 minutes ago, DeadSeaOfMercury said:

I remember when I first heard honeymoon I was convinced Swan Song was literally like this is the last album - I was very sad like omg no.

Especially when around the time I read those articles after born to die Lana claimed she didn’t know about making another record.


Tbh I had no idea that she kept saying that I thought she only said it once

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I tbh to this day dunno if "you're crazy for me" in Cruel World means the subject choosing to be crazy for her, or he's crazy in her eyes, so any views on that welcome.


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It took me a long time to get Wait for Life. I was thinking she was talking about a man but she’s talking about depression. She doesn’t want it but she can’t get rid of it and she doesn’t always like the things it makes her do. 

it also took me a minute to peep that Dark Paradise was about a dead guy. 


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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It took me a minute to realize don’t let me be misunderstood was a cover! Not my proudest moment.. :toofunny:


𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙖 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣' 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙..


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8 minutes ago, misselectrarockwell said:

It took me a minute to realize don’t let me be misunderstood was a cover! Not my proudest moment.. :toofunny:

I’m crine when she first previewed Doin Time I was like OMG NEW MUSIC


had never heard that song a day in my life before, I had no idea it was a cover lol


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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