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'ban' The Person Above You

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banned bc u supported the unbanning of a banned sis, thats bannable on the ban guidelines we don't take rebellion or uprising banned

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Banned for banning Salvatore instead of  the person above you


Banned for banning Clampigirl before me

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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banned for being the other borns stan


there can be only one bitch



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banned cause your avatar is so so so so ugly and poor and cheap 

mines great u bum yQlb6_zps528e095b.gif


Banned because You're too fast 

how dare u, prepare to meet ur maker swine



hangingfroot ur banned again for commenting and not leaving the site when i clearly told u u were banned




vintage kid ur banned for blocking me from rebanning tht other borns stann


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i see the rush to ban salvatore is heavy, however since u all keep double banning me im unbanned everytime, thats called pemdas




clampi ic annot ban you so im giving you temporary leave

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reported for using a personal lizzy grant pic as ur avi


banned for unhealthily stanning yosemite 


also clampi banned for replying too fast and not letting me ban salvatore

Edited by hornymoon


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