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oh my god atom go IN


but yeah as far as i'm concerned i've been trying to stop allie stuff from getting traded for like 11 months now! nobody fuckin' listened tho did they

i mean i legitimately would have contacted allie or her ppl in april or may 2015 but it was all "tell anyone and i'll make allie hate you forever" bullshit et cetera et ceterA, at the time i was so mentally weak i just let it happen and boy do i motherfucking regret it !!!!

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i mean this all fucking started when a certain big-eared rat decided he was going to use unreleased material to bribe his way into the mod team of allie boards, then pull out after sending 2 snippets & a bunch of lyrics, practically starting the whole thirst for allie's rare songs...

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I have no problem with you having the music, but what you did was hoarding. You obtained the songs legally (or illegally, frankly I don't give a fuck either way). You reported leaks to her manager, which is extremely unnecessary imo. The songs would've surfaced sooner or later whether or not you were the one in charge of releasing them to the public. If you don't get involved with trading circles, you won't be involved with the issues involved with how some traders can be, that's just my two cents.[/size]



I am not here to kiss anyone's ass for unleaked music, that's a fucking fact. While leaking an album, why would they post it on Soundcloud? The songs are all in 121-124kbps, that makes no sense if they have CD quality songs available sitting on their computers. The only song that was leaked in 320kbps was Fox, so it made me curious as to how or why the other downloads were half the quality of that song. I wouldn't give 1/2 a shit if the songs have never seen the light of day because I'm more than happy with CX1 and CX2 coming soon.


Nathan and whoever else began the trading circle or friend circle for Allie fans knew exactly what they were getting themselves into when they started go for her old material. I am not within trading circles for Allie so I'm not going to know or care about how the songs were obtained. I'm enjoying the music just as much as everyone else here. For you to start bitching at me for being skeptical of how people are obtaining these tracks is hilarious since I'm one of the most active users in this thread. The fact that you have enough time to think about my opinion when I don't care about yours is appalling. Get well soon Greenie.  :oprah3: [/size]


gather ha  :mariah:

Someone can't read. All I ever told you was that you're being a bitch and explained how. There was no "trading" circle that Nathan started. He shared the stuff he had with a few friends, he never "traded" it. Those people then did. I'm just telling you to back off because once again you're just a bitch.

And anyone complementing that Jack is obviously just as sadistic and sociopathic. So, please, let's do what everyone has been asking for and shut the fuck up.

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Someone can't read. All I ever told you was that you're being a bitch and explained how. There was no "trading" circle that Nathan started. He shared the stuff he had with a few friends, he never "traded" it. Those people then did. I'm just telling you to back off because once again you're just a bitch.And anyone complementing that Jack is obviously just as sadistic and sociopathic. So, please, let's do what everyone has been asking for and shut the fuck up.

How are you not banned yet


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It's a double entendre? I can read, I'm just pointing out you yourself make fun of what a selfish bitch you are xoxo

bitch we know you can read you read a thesaurus for every single reply you type


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It's a double entendre? I can read, I'm just pointing out you yourself make fun of what a selfish bitch you are xoxo


i thought it was cause they literally misspelled shellfish


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bitch we know you can read you read a thesaurus for every single reply you type

I'm not using any fancy words, so I'm really not sure what you're talking about... You used to be good at comebacks, I can remember. Oh, how you've fallen even further from grace.


i thought it was cause they literally misspelled shellfish


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i thought it was cause they literally misspelled shellfish

Gurl you know me to well

Just because you don't like me, I'm not torn up. I just get off on telling bitches they're bitches. Thanksies.



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I'm not using any fancy words, so I'm really not sure what you're talking about... You used to be good at comebacks, I can remember. Oh, how you've fallen even further from grace.



now now now... even you should know that you are trying to use advanced language to intimidate others with your inferred "intellect" and it's just not working hon. You see you are attempting to use unnecessarily complex language colloqially when the phrases are meant to be used educationally and scholarly... nobody enjoys speaking to someone who uses words and terms like "disimpaction" "assimilate" and "sanctimonious" it makes you look ridiculous, almost Halsey-like. trying so fucking hard to sound smart and special when you aren't unique or different in any way, shape, or form. and trust and believe if we were in the same room you would see a sociopath... 


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If you wanna fix it for me go right ahead but I found it on the Internet and liked the effect


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Someone can't read. All I ever told you was that you're being a bitch and explained how. There was no "trading" circle that Nathan started. He shared the stuff he had with a few friends, he never "traded" it. Those people then did. I'm just telling you to back off because once again you're just a bitch.

And anyone complementing that Jack is obviously just as sadistic and sociopathic. So, please, let's do what everyone has been asking for and shut the fuck up.

Giving unleaked songs that started being traded = trading circle.



You must not have been here to know that I dislike Jack and we have our own share of problems, but I highlighted a reference to Tiffany Pollard aka New York. Before you come back to the thread trying to defend or boast about anything, feel free to stop bitching to people who don't care. Seek help, you seem like you need it.


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