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Interview for Paris Match

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It's interesting that she does her own producing. I wonder how she lays down the instrumental parts.


Yes, I always wondered about it. Since she's a guitarist, maybe she composes the basic melody on it and then the other musicians kinda translate it ?

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All of her interviews are the same. It's like all she wants to do is bask In negativity. blablablabla people hate me blablabla why am I so misunderstood in the media blahgdashaghdg   


 poor me I'm such a victim  :poordat:


is there seriously nothing else to talk about?

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Well I think she's trying to make things clear. We're her fanbase, so we hear or read all her interviews, but it could the first Lana interview that many people would read

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All of her interviews are the same. It's like all she wants to do is bask In negativity. blablablabla people hate me blablabla why am I so misunderstood in the media blahgdashaghdg   


 poor me I'm such a victim  :poordat:


is there seriously nothing else to talk about?


Nope. It's always been like this. So we as a fanbase can go ahead and get over it.

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Is it important for you to be American ?

No, even if I love my country. I spent so much time in planes that I do not feel any more attached in the United States. Here, in Versailles, I feel at home. And I felt the same way the first time as I stepped in Los Angeles.


That would make sense, considering how badly America roasted her (and continues to do so. Rolling Stone..  :judgingu: )

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"Some songs are a big " fuck you " to all those who think instead of me, all those who think that they know who I am, what I want. Every day I have to face people who think that I am a joke. And the worst, is that my career was launched on this misunderstanding !"



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In your texts you show yourselves becoming more and more sarcastic. " I want the money, the power and the glory ", you shout out. Need to let off steam ?

Obviously... If this record is called "Ultraviolence", it is because it describes well what I felt in my private life. I lived the joy of seeing that my songs pleased and, at the same time, I had to put up with the criticisms, often very virulent. And it leaves scars. But I reassure you, I do not want either the power or the money, or the glory, but it's been said so much about me that I eventually took them literaly …



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All of her interviews are the same. It's like all she wants to do is bask In negativity. blablablabla people hate me blablabla why am I so misunderstood in the media blahgdashaghdg   


 poor me I'm such a victim  :poordat:


is there seriously nothing else to talk about?


She's not the one asking the questions. And people do hate her, the media especially, it's not like she's making it all up and exaggerating. Most articles on her that I read aren't positive. A majority still mention SNL/her father/her lips/random drivel so that we don't ever forget Lana is actually a manufactured diva with fake lips whose daddy bought her career :facepalm:

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She's not the one asking the questions. And people do hate her, the media especially, it's not like she's making it all up and exaggerating. Most articles on her that I read aren't positive. A majority still mention SNL/her father/her lips/random drivel so that we don't ever forget Lana is actually a manufactured diva with fake lips whose daddy bought her career :facepalm:


 And people do hate her, the media especially


No, they really don't. But she wants to pretend like she's still stuck in 2011/2012 when the media was hounding her but it's been over 2 years and she's still acting like a victim. I get that she went through a lot of shit but at this point it's almost like she wants to do nothing but continue on with this incessant whining and delude herself into thinking that everyone still hates her when they really don't.


The support and praise she gets from the media is almost biased at this point. They'll love every mundane video and track she releases and say it's groundbreaking. There has never been a point in her career where she's gotten this much positive support and love from the public but yet in her mind people are still out to get her.

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Let's not forget that the "haters" have been a big inspiration for LDR. A song like Ride is a big fuck you to them.. She sits in the lap of giant biker, taunting her haters: " I know this will make you mad. . .hahaha". The hate has obvs. given us some beautiful bitter songs. But I'm sure LDR prefers to just be loved.

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On 6/7/2014 at 6:54 PM, Kommander said:

What triggered the desire to sing new songs?
My meeting with Dan Auerbach. He really changed my life, simply by being what he is: a funny, nice guy. We met in a club the 21th December, we danced on the dancefloor. And he said to me with a grinning tone: " you should come with me to Nashville, and we will see what will happen there" I took the plane with him … I wanted to try, and thanks to him I understood that I had no fun any more with my team.

You did not have songs in stock at that point ?
I had an entire album ! I recorded twelve tracks, I had produced everything myself, but Dan opened my eyes. He told me that my songs sounded too much like classic rock, too seventies. And he took things in hand.



The rumour says that it is your father who financed your first album.
No, I had no relations with my father at that time. He's a very good person, but he doesn't know anything about music. And, frankly, do you really think that you can buy a contract from a label ? The truth is that when I was 18, I participated to a songwriting competition and I met the boss of a label which offered me a contract one month later. During two years nothing happened, my disc stayed in boxes. I thus continued to sing in clubs. The story of my father is a good story for the magazines, but it is false. My parents wanted me to find a "real" job, to become a lawyer. They did not believe in the music. I lived in New York with my fiancé, my parents in Lake Placed, which is like 7 hours aways from NY. They were far from my reality.

Is it important for you to be American ?
No, even if I love my country. I spent so much time in planes that I do not feel any more attached in the United States. Here, in Versailles, I feel at home. And I felt the same way the first time as I stepped in Los Angeles.


1) She met Dan Auerbach on the 21st of December, 2013 :oprah4:


2) Before meeting Dan, she had whole self-produced album with 12 tracks - is that Tropico or is it the just the same UV tracks but as demos (I assume from the Rick sessions in November 2013)?


3) SHE WAS ENGAGED WHEN SHE LIVED IN NEW YORK? :oprah4: Or is it another moment where her memory was lying?


4) She, indeed, is "Lady of Versailles" (call me late if you wanna get highhhhhh) :true:


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