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When was the last time you...

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This morning actually because my playlists (especially my Lana ones) are a messΒ :toofunny:

when was the last time you watched a new TV show



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started getting into djing last week (downloaded fuser and a bunch of charli xcx songs). it's fun and i'm going to play around with fuser for a while and see if it sticks, then consider maybe buying some real dj equipment.

when's the last time you heard the first 5 seconds of judah smith interlude then skipped to a&w

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Yesterday, I think. I change my profile pic more often than I write postsΒ :eek:


When was the last time you broke something on purpose?Β 

Β i guess you could call it textbook


my likes are not dead any moreΒ 

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I think the last time I listened to an obscure artist (in a way that they're really underrated, only 29k streams per month) was probably around two weeks ago - Foie Gras "Red Moon" - such a good gritty hypnotizingΒ song, it's from around 2018 but I discovered this song this February when Spotify recommended me this song. I should listen to it today.Β 


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The last time I read someone’s mind? Right now?Β :godlaugh:


When was the last time you said/didΒ something just to get a reaction out of someone?

Β i guess you could call it textbook


my likes are not dead any moreΒ 

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10 hours ago, Embach said:

I think the last time I listened to an obscure artist (in a way that they're really underrated, only 29k streams per month) was probably around two weeks ago - Foie Gras "Red Moon" - such a good gritty hypnotizingΒ song, it's from around 2018 but I discovered this song this February when Spotify recommended me this song. I should listen to it today.Β 

Omg I forgot to ask a question I'm so dumb :( I was searching for that artist I last streamed so long lol that I forgot to ask. Lemme fix that.

7 minutes ago, Dark Angel said:

probably not in a very long time, i'm not bold like that and i don't like starting problems lol


when was the last time you climbed a tree?

I'm pretty sure in 2009. One of the best years.


When was the last time when you took a train ride?


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are subways considered trains? if not, i've never been on one. public transportation is severely lacking where i live in the US unfortunately. last subway i took was in december.Β 


when is the last time you baked something?



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Oh my god. 2014? And it was about Romeo and Juliet and fate and chess pieces. It was for college. Damn. I should write more essays.


When wasΒ the last time you did drugs?

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