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Ask Lanaboards: iTunes versions of Ride and Burning Desire.

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Hi fellows!


Like many of you, I've recently purchased Ride and Burning Desire from iTunes, but after having given both songs a few spins I've come to acknowledge that both songs sounds muddy. I've played the songs with different sets of headphones, earphones, speakers and stereos and little does it help. As I can't exchange my ears for a new set, I forced my dad to listen to both songs and he concluded straight away that they sound bad quality-wise. So here is my question: Does anyone else notice this?


Also, the audio format is iTunes+ 256kbps and should be an acceptable format since I have various songs in this format that sounds fine.


Also also, when I say muddy I mean that the instruments kind of mix together in a very elephant way. When the chorus begins in Burning Desire it feels like an overweight bee headbutting into my ear drum, which is not the feeling I was expecting listening to a Lana Del Rey song...


Also also also, I found different download alternatives for the two tracks without luck, they sound just as awful. I'm starting to think it might be the production of the songs that are lazy. (Monicker, please?)


I hope you'll take your time to answer this question, cause I find it slightly frustrating, to be honest.


[Edit for

. Listen to it in maximum available quality 480p, I've done so and I think it sounds more defined, and the whipers during the verse are much more present.]

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Thank god I'm not the only one! I've also bought them and they also sound kind of LQ to me. But when I hear the video she uploaded to to Youtube, Ride that is, it sounds alot better, the drums sounds kind of clearer and not so loud. It'd suck if they accidently uploaded a LQ version of it

*Insert awesome and creative photo of Lana with added photoshops effects here*

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I'm glad I'm not the only one tha hears it! Thanks for your feedback. :P


...But when I hear the video she uploaded to to Youtube, Ride that is, it sounds alot better, the drums sounds kind of clearer and not so loud.

This. I just listened to it on YouTube and considering 480p video might not bring the best audio quality, I believe it sounds more defined and like you said, the drums are not so loud. Ugh... I wanted to contact Apple Support but their waiting line was to damn long. Has anyone purchased the song from the american Amazon Store, and has anyone else tried comparing the quality between iTunes and YouTube?


Mine are purchased files and they sound fine to me. I think you just don't like the production, every version I found sounded shitty until I got the iTunes+ quality. Maybe it will grow on you?

Well, from Burning Desire I get that the Piano has to be classic and a bit distorted, but I don't get why the drums has to be so noisy. I really don't hope it's the production, but if it is I do hope it grows on me.


I managed to download it from YouTube in 160kbps quality and the difference is really noticeable. Her vocals doesn't appear as clear as the iTunes version, but the music and choir seems more defined.

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"Burning Desire" isn't available to buy in the US, but I got "Ride" off Amazon and it sounds the same as the previous file I'd downloaded, which came from iTunes

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Unfortunately... I cannot buy off iTunes, so being a great fan I am I went on google and typed Lana Del Rey - Ride 320kbps, torrents obviously, so I downloaded... I've only listened to one version tbh


Well, I think I found the same download link and it sounds a lot better, repeat: A LOT BETTER!

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Bump. I watched the Jaguar video with Burning Desire and the song just sounds do much better.



It's strong in bass and has no artefacts (even though video audio is more then likely 128kbs). I can tell the difference between the compression artefacts and the song's vinyl texture (which sounds great btw). How is it possible that the iTunes version is worse than the Jag version? The album says "mastered for iTunes" so do you think that Apple screwed the song up? Where can I get a copy that's not 'mastered for iTunes'?



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Bump. I watched the Jaguar video with Burning Desire and the song just sounds do much better.


It's strong in bass and has no artefacts (even though video audio is more then likely 128kbs). I can tell the difference between the compression artefacts and the song's vinyl texture (which sounds great btw). How is it possible that the iTunes version is worse than the Jag version? The album says "mastered for iTunes" so do you think that Apple screwed the song up? Where can I get a copy that's not 'mastered for iTunes'?



Yeah, iTunes screwed it up, hahaha. Someone on OGG wrote to them and fixed it though. At least in whatever country it was this person was from.


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Burning Desire.


LOOK AT THAT CLIPPING. In the video version, I could actually differentiate between the instruments and hear the bass and the breathing but it's just one big mess on the iTunes copy.




Compare it to a lossless copy of Cola, where you can actually see the peaks and stuff like that.

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