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Lana taught me that...

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Hmm interesting thread, I like it! 

From the OP, I actually knew a lot about her references, and it's why she pulled me in. After being a bit confused and even disliking Born To Die, and laughing at her pheromones comment about the tigers, I ended up loving her sound once I actually focused just on it, no visuals etc. Without You was one of my instant favorites, OTTR, Blue Jeans, National Anthem and TTWMUG. Video Games and SS came after. 

Broadly speaking, I think what she taught me the most, and what I find extremely important, is to live in the moment, and to appreciate the small things in life that pull it together, moment by each moment. She's awakened me to a more introspective mindset and perspective. and how important it is to not take things for granted. To celebrate life more honestly and meaningfully really. 


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Broadly speaking, I think what she taught me the most, and what I find extremely important, is to live in the moment, and to appreciate the small things in life that pull it together, moment by each moment. She's awakened me to a more introspective mindset and perspective. and how important it is to not take things for granted. To celebrate life more honestly and meaningfully really. 


~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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Lana Del Rey made some interesting, what I would consider philosophical, remarks once in an interview I read some time ago; I can't remember where. She said something like (and I'm paraphrasing here): "People say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That is such bullshit. You want to know what makes you stronger? When people treat you and your art with dignity and respect." She also mentioned in some other interview (I might even have the magazine in my archives); she mentioned a documentary called Let's Get Lost which I had never heard of. I subsequently acquired the documentary; it was an interesting one.

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