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Novel ''Off To The Races'' Is based on?

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Is the novel OTTR's is based on called Lolita?


Anyone read it?


Is it worth reading as a Lana fan?


The lyrics fascinate me in the song so I think I'd enjoy the novel.


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Themes in OTTR and throughout BTD are Lolita-based. Lolita is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov about a teenage girl named Dolores whose stepfather, Humbert, falls in love with. This is where lyrics such as "My old man is a bad man" and the lines "Light of my (interchangeable with "his") life, fire of my ("his") loins" are the first few words of the book, if I'm not mistaken. I haven't read it, but I have heard it's a good book, just controversial.


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I went to the public library a few days ago and the translated version of the book is sitting in my purse. I always prefer the original language version, but for some reason I didn't find it a pleasant read. It might be the language barrier, or something, I don't know... I might read the original version after. That's what I did with Gone With The Wind. I feel like I need to have a clear understanding of what I'm reading and if I'm unsure, I kinda give up.


I saw both movies and really liked them, specially the Kubrick one.

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Humbert isn't a drug dealer or cocaine addict. :eek:

Tbh she just liked the naughty girl thing and that's it. Lolita isn't a love story but a story about obsession and the playdoyer of a man molesting a little girl.


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Thanks for the replies everyone, I might read it cos everyone seems to like it. I'm just wondering though as a Lana fan, is it good? Like does it fit well with the lyrics from OTTR's?


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Thanks for the replies everyone, I might read it cos everyone seems to like it. I'm just wondering though as a Lana fan, is it good? Like does it fit well with the lyrics from OTTR's?

Read the book if you like to read. I feel like just watching the movie sufficed. It's not like Lana will be impressed that you read Lolita.

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I must confess it's not my favorite book, and I read it simply to try to understand LDR better. It's not overly long and well-written descriptively, but I did have to re-read earlier portions of it to understand just exactly how later portions of it revealed themselves as they did (so in one technical sense, it was not that well written for me).


As for why LDR likes it (aside from admiring the author's descriptive abilities), I can guess it has something to do with the moral ambiguity of it. Humbert is not strictly a devil, and Lolita (Delores) is not strictly an angel. That combined with the fact that the first-person narration makes it a highly personal experience for the reader. It would be nice to know when LDR first started liking the book (I'm guessing at "boarding school") and more of the "conceptual" why she likes it (e.g., as might be understood in Lanalysis). I don't see LDR as too overwhelmingly influenced by Nabokov, either in the majority of her songs (or her lifestyle choices), but she shares some love of themes and some desire to extend his aesthetic. For instance, her earlier songs (and maybe Ride) share an endless-Americana-roadtrip theme that the book has.  Off to the Races uses some quotes and perhaps imagery from the book to construct a *non-Lolita-like* whirlwind romance scenario, but her song Lolita has very little to do with the character Lolita, imo. Also Go Go Dancer strikes me as a great Nabokovian style application (morally ambiguous, multiple 1st person perspectives, great visual and character descriptions) to a different topic. 


This article gives a good overview of the novel's long time appeal.

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Absolutely my favorite book of all time. It's Nabokov's love letter to the English language and it is so beautifully written. The Kubrick film isn't faithful to the book and I understand why because of its time period, but the Lyne version is so faithful and I love it completely. Read it! But as far as OTTR goes, I think it's more the song interspersed with Lolita-esque themes.


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Thanks for the replies everyone, I might read it cos everyone seems to like it. I'm just wondering though as a Lana fan, is it good? Like does it fit well with the lyrics from OTTR's?


Although the song is a lolita-esque story and she mentions the first line of the book "Light of my life, fire of my loins" her Lolita is much more inspired by the movies and pop culture vision of the character than the one described on the book. I can definitely see much more of Nabokov's writing style influence on her - specially because both created a romantic vision of such twisted love stories.
So the novel might not appeal to you just because you loved the song, specially because is heavily more inspired by beatnik novels and noir archetypes, the whole " my life is a mess and my man is bad and loves cocaine" isn't something you'll find in the novel. The book is narrated by Humbert, the molester, which is a hopeless romantic Of course one can argue that Lolita is not a romantic novel but the main character is so out of reality of his own actions. Anyway it's one of my favorites books and recommend to read it!

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In my opinion, from the little that I have read, Vladimir no doubt has talent in writing... but it doesn't change the fact that its based on a perverted, pedophile man. I felt uncomfortable reading the story any further. I think some people may like it because they simply love how it is written and maybe block out the fact it is a twisted tale, another reason may be that some people are intrigued by scandalous fiction. I don't fully understand why other people like it, but I don't judge them as human beings if they do. 


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Although the song is a lolita-esque story and she mentions the first line of the book "Light of my life, fire of my loins" her Lolita is much more inspired by the movies and pop culture vision of the character than the one described on the book. I can definitely see much more of Nabokov's writing style influence on her - specially because both created a romantic vision of such twisted love stories.
So the novel might not appeal to you just because you loved the song, specially because is heavily more inspired by beatnik novels and noir archetypes, the whole " my life is a mess and my man is bad and loves cocaine" isn't something you'll find in the novel. The book is narrated by Humbert, the molester, which is a hopeless romantic Of course one can argue that Lolita is not a romantic novel but the main character is so out of reality of his own actions. Anyway it's one of my favorites books and recommend to read it!



I might read it anyway as it sounds like a great book.


Any suggestions on novels that would be a great too read as a Lana fan?


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