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Charli XCX

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Someone please download the song and put it on Dropbox


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This repetition is worse than How Can I


I cant believe I was hyped up for a leak and THIS happens

I mean, she was clearly satirizing repetitive and empty-minded pop songs, so

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does anybody know why charli pulled out from the "charlie and jack do america" tour? apparently her camp pulled her out of the tour or something?

She posted this https://www.facebook.com/charlixcxmusic/posts/1070163962994564

That's all we know (as far as I know lol) & I felt it was full of shit but it's prob just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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does anybody know why charli pulled out from the "charlie and jack do america" tour? apparently her camp pulled her out of the tour or something? 


Poor sales, but I don't necessarily believe they'd cancel the rest and inconvenience Bleachers like that. There could be some truth to what she said, however she's finished several tracks for the new record so that "I need to be creative" thing reads bs


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