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Charli XCX

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Not In Love is such a motivational song for me and I don't know why. 


It probably just supports my delusion of being a bad bitch when I'm in fact just an emotional mess. 



When is that other version gonna Ieak in fuII? :defeated: it had a totaI different production....Iess sucker-ish :creep:


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Which other version? Tell me more or link me to a snippet bitch!  :defeated:

I once heard it on here....I was SHOOK...idk where it is tho.....it was on a picosong :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:


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give us sticky give us taxi give us sticky give us taxi 


(is there any specific reason ppl who have the leaks don't leak them untagged/properly?? like whats the point)

If they release them untagged, they won't have anything to trade for future leaks.

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Could anyone possibly explain why the version of sticky we have in full untagged jumps between qualities? It sounds to good to be a filter of the song. Also. If anyone could PM me the original files for sticky I can try my best to fix it up. The HQ / LQ untagged was made by myself but there was a different one before mine.

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