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tbh i actually enjoy them being short.. it makes them have a 2nd replay value nowdays, plus i feel that when you make a long song it needs to be a fleshed out, more determined, world-building song and not a copy pasty one, sometimes an idea for a song gives enough to make it to 2 min or less like pinkpantheress, and if the theme has enough to talk about or the vibe is a serious or more ambient one it can elongate, if not it renders the song ridiculous and boring. remeber before 2010 the song where 3-4 minutes and so radio edits where NEEDED for it to not be boring listening the same song thru almost 5 mins.. my guess is the sophie ones will be longer since they're probably more heart felt and meaningful.. the rest being ravey, partyish songs makes sense being 2min they're not meant to be deep af, that's why von dutch is 2min, not like dreamer that it's 4min luvs

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3 hours ago, weam said:


I think you should temper this expectation now or this album will disappoint you. She keeps telling us this is a club album. Club music is by nature minimal and repetitive. There might be 2-3 "bridges" on the entire album. Most songs will probably only have 1 verse... This is not a pop album, which means she is not even attempting to make fleshed out pop songs. The sooner everyone gets on board with the new song structures (or the lack thereof) the sooner you'll start appreciating the songs for what they are.

Correct. And if we really wanna dig and get referential, there's plenty of songs I can scrape up from the 90s and 2000's where it's really just 1 lyric, 1 chorus, maybe a little ad-lib vocal moment during a dance break, repeat 2x, end. Quite a few of those songs in the 2-minute range as well.


1 hour ago, Lipgloss Twink said:

I just ran the numbers and I fucking hate how short the songs are going to be... If there were to be 1 4 minute song, the others would need to be 2 minutes and 40 seconds long on average, and I don't expect her to put a single 4 minute song on a record full of short 2.5 minute songs, but the math gets worse when you account for multiple songs of 3.5 minutes or longer. 3 minutes 20 might be the longest song on there and that hurts... :deadbanana:

Yeah. I *would* like there to be some fully fleshed out "Charli" material on the album, but if she's sticking to her inspiration, it's gonna be short and repetitive, which I'm fine with. It's just a mindset thing, which really shouldn't be anything new for us.


We have emotional Charli, and we have throwaway pop-trash Charli. We're just used to having both on the same record, and this time it may not be the case.

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3 minutes ago, champainproblms said:

i think we're over the cover conversation but i did an alt and i wanted to share cause i thought it was cute. i think i'm using it for the sessions idk

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mmmmmm......will be using. hardcore.

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52 minutes ago, champainproblms said:

i think we're over the cover conversation but i did an alt and i wanted to share cause i thought it was cute. i think i'm using it for the sessions idk

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BITCHHHH!!!! this serve!! it looks great!!

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2 hours ago, champainproblms said:

i think we're over the cover conversation but i did an alt and i wanted to share cause i thought it was cute. i think i'm using it for the sessions idk

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this ate so much...

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3 hours ago, champainproblms said:

i think we're over the cover conversation but i did an alt and i wanted to share cause i thought it was cute. i think i'm using it for the sessions idk

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Cult album cover 

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i asked this before but i’m not sure i got an answer so i’m gonna ask again


are only 1 i love and la charli sessions or crash?

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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50 minutes ago, rancidgirl said:

i asked this before but i’m not sure i got an answer so i’m gonna ask again


are only 1 i love and la charli sessions or crash?

charli sessions, they are encoded with a logic build from 2018

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I hope we get more midtempo songs like Move Me on this album, i prefer her sadder songs



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Some of her shorter songs are really good, but I want her to attempt a track 10 again. She'll likely never hit that high again, but I'd like for her to try, that song is so heavenly and a shorter version would have reduced effect.

The reason I'm upset is that she's said on multiple occasions that she prefers shorter songs and I'm afraid after an album full of them, she won't come back from there.

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I hope she doesn't give us 2 minute tiktok songs, give us 3/4 minute pop masterpieces. Some of us older broads still have an attention span



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