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Paradise Lost Competition: Challenge #4 - World Tour

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Congratulations remaining 7 players, you have reached Challenge #4 of Paradise Lost. You can check out who still remains in the competition here. As we only have 7 of you left, this will be the last team challenge before you all split up and have to fight each other for the winning title. Unlike in previous challenges, the last winning team 'Children Of The Bad Revolution' will not be immune from this week's elimination or otherwise they might as well not even bother with this challenge.


Challenge #4 - World Tour

This week's challenge will test your thinking skills, as well as your creative thinking and efficiency as you in your teams must create Lana's first world tour. She will not just be performing at festivals like her previous tour, but will be playing at different venues with the crowd only going to see her live. You must within your plan come up with the following details:


Name of tour?

Number of shows Lana will perform?

What cities Lana will perform in?

The tour setlist?

Time span of tour?

Stage setting?


This is to of course promote her Paradise Edition of Born To Die so think carefully about your ideas and concepts.


Things that you could include:

Lana's outfits?

Stage lighting?

VIP Packages (Meet & Greet backstage etc...)

Plus anything else you can come up with.



The Ride Or Die Bitches scored = 9 points!

Hey Lucas Hey & SitarHero


Children Of The Bad Revolution scored = 9 & 1/2 points!

Neal, HunterAshlyn, Matttiern


The GoGo Dancers scored = 8 points!

GaGaOopsy & Hundred Dollar Bill


Which means that the Children Of The Bad Revolution are this weeks winners and are therefore immune from elimination!

Commiserations to this weeks losers, The GoGo Dancers.


Winning team: The Children of The Bad Revolution (10)

Losing team: The GoGo Dancers

Eliminated player: Gaga Oopsy.


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  On 10/7/2012 at 1:32 AM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

It isn't showing who was voted off on the original post.


Don't think that's been determined yet. I can't decide :crying:

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Her Paradise edition or ours?

But 2 days only?

..but believe me when I say that the surveillance we live under is the highest privilege compared to how we treat the rest of the world.

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Hey guys, thanks for all the entries being in on time, you're awesome! I might not get time to get through them tonight because there all pretty detailed. But, I'll definitely have them done this time tomorrow!


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The GoGo Dancers:

Lana Del Rey Presents: The Paradise Tour


I was going to think of my own ~unique~ title for her tour, but it's for her album and honestly, if it's named something completely unrelated to her album title, I feel like that would take away from the promotion of The Paradise Edition. So the tour is simply titled, The Paradise Tour. The tour would last around 4 months, from October to January. I averaged out 2-3 shows per week, depending on what country she is in, so I'd say there would be about 40 shows. This may not seem like a lot for a world tour, but I know that Lana hates performing and I wouldn't want to stress her out or anything, and since it's her first world tour, I'd be keeping it a bit more modest in terms of how many shows she will perform and all that. I think it's important that she would be as comfortable as possible with the scheduling and places for her performances because it will make the show that much better for her and the audience.



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The stage setup would be fairly simple, although with my in-depth description, it might not sound very simple.

The main theme for the stage setup would (obviously) be Paradise. In this sense, Paradise includes beautiful malibu beaches and palm trees in black and white (:giggle:) and some in color. Very surf noir style, yet modernized to where it's more Lana Del Rey than it would be Lizzy Grant. There'd be beautiful white beach sand all over the stage. Simplified, it is just a sultry Lana beach party-Paradise style. Tropical umbrellas ensue. On different shows, there would be minor stage differences. Some shows I would have her catch everyone off guard and perform some old Lizzy songs like Disco, Pin-Up Galore, Get Drunk, etc. During those shows, the setup would be more trashy Paradise beach party-like. Throw in a mobile home, some empty beer cans on stage in the sand, pink flamingos and green Christmas lights decorating the mobile home. For the holidays, I'd have it appropriately themed of course. Halloween would be done up well, Halloween like. less Paradise and more Addams family. Lana would be dressed as Morticia Addams and creepy Halloween versions of her songs would ensue. For Christmas, the same would apply. Lana would be Mrs. Claus because it would just be cute, okay.



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As for her outfits, some shows she can be dressed elegantly, in a gorgeous red dress or whatever she likes. Other shows, she can just be cute and casual like at the iTunes festival, anything she wants really because she has to be comfortable performing. I'd love for her to be in a red dress really, I think that's one of the best colors on her. I've already explained what she'd wear for Halloween and Christmas. If you don't know how Morticia Addams looks, google her!


As for VIP packages, they'd be made available for backstage access before and after the show, for 15 people AT MOST. Those are for dedicated fans and would add an extra $100 to the ticket price, for an hour(ish) to hang with Lana before and after the show. Other than that, she may or may not have public signings based on her mood.


Firstly, I like the name. It's simple and realistic and is good promotion for The Paradise Edition. The amount of shows you've chosen is modest, but again realistic as I don't think that she wants to do a huge staggering tour. Like she says she'd rather we all just hang out :D The locations are great too because they're places where there would be significant interest in her to sell out venues. I like your stage description, the beach and palm tree are very fitting. However, I feel the whole mobile home thing is drifting towards Lizzy, and isn't very Born To Die era. I like how you have created 3 different setlists, the 2 seasonal ones are cute. I feel like in the regular setlist that it could be longer, as there are so many other songs that people would want to hear. Hundred Dollar Bill seems a bit random, but anyway lol. Costume/outfit's are good, very casual and down-to-earth just like Lana, no meat dresses here! :) Nice short description of packages too, but I think it would be better is it's more consistent where she would either do signings every show or none at all, because it seems unfair on some cities. Lovely job!


Score: 8/10


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The Ride Or Die Bitches:



- Setting: It's classic Lana Del Rey, adapted for huge theaters. Fake palm trees comingle with the band in the background, evoking cheekily Lana's trash culture as well as the important theme of paradise. Images project in the background on a huge scale, each individually complementing the music.

- VIP Packages: the Million Dollar Man Package - comes with pit seats and a merch item of your choice; the Coney Island Queen Package - early entrance, a merch item, and hors d'eouvres; the Lucky Ones Package - all of the above, with access to a VIP lounge bacstage; the National Anthem Package - all of the above, with a meet-and-greet with Lana herself

- Number of shows: approximately 120 shows worldwide

- Cities:

- Begin the tour next week with three big show in Brazil, hitting cities such as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro before hitting festival and promotional performance in cities ranging from Sydney, Australia, to Tokyo, Japan, and touching down in American cities like Seattle, Chicago, New York, and San Diego through to February of 2013, with a break in November.

- Her headlining Paradise Tour officially begins in the British Isles, spending most of March there in important arenas throughout England, along with stopping by Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

- For the rest of March, she moves on to mainland Europe, treating her German audience with several shows in Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, and Cologne. Beginning April, she moves on to the Netherlands and Belgium before heading to North America.

- Spends mid-April to mid-May touring through large US cities, from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, Phoenix to Houston, New Orleans to Atlantic City, Minneapolis to New York City.

- The last half of May is spent touring Australia, doing several shows in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Adelaide, before flying over to New Zealand for a show in Auckland.

- It’s back to Europe. Finally France, Switzerland, and Belgium are treated from late June to mid-July, along with some ventures further south such as Barcelona, Spain, and Milan, Italy. True to her brand, she manages a fashionable performance in one of her favorite places, Monaco.

- Finally she hits some forgotten places in North America—more of the middle states with shows in Denver and Detroit, and even on up to Canada in Toronto and Montreal in early August.

- After a break dedicated to personal time and maybe a music video or some TV appearances, she starts again through North America, covering states from Florida to Washington and everywhere in between through September and October, ending the North American leg once and for all in Mexico City, Mexico.

- Back to Europe for a final time. Along with Oslo, Norway, and select Swedish cities, she backtracks over cities sold-out or unscheduled throughout Britain, Germany, and France—not to a week through the eastern countries. The Paradise Tour wraps up with an emotional performance in London.


- OPENING: Revised monologue from the “National Anthem” video plays, with Lana entering as it wraps up. Alludes more to death than the original.


Lighting: Brings to mind a setting sun, twilight; the dress itself acts as canvas for the splashes of soft light.



- Ride

- Yayo

- Gods & Monsters

- Born To Die

- Dark Paradise


Lighting: The lighting goes down during the monologue, very minimal and sexy, with reddish hues. Light catches Lana and Lana alone in this act.



(But worn with hidden heel high top trainers.)

- INTERMISSION MONOLOGUE: Less death-centric, but still past-tense. Details her obsession and the impact of her relationship with this mystery man on her life.

- Burning Desire/Bel Air

- Body Electric

- Blue Jeans

- American

- Off To The Races


Lighting: Similar to the last act, with brighter projections evoking the waves of the Northern Lights.



- INTERMISSION MONOLOGUE: Lana reflects on the demise of this relationship, her words almost implying that she might not be talking about death at all, but the end of her love. This man put himself before her, cheating and getting caught up in drugs. The longest and darkest monologue.


- Million Dollar Man/American Dream (Damn You)

- Cola

- Summertime Sadness/Carmen

- Heart-Shaped Box [Nirvana cover]


Lighting: Imagine a sunrise realized onstage. The paradise theme translates throughout, most visually in the lighting.



- INTERMISSION MONOLOGUE: There’s a note of acceptance to this—of her school-girl mistakes in love and the loss of this man in particular. The stage is her new paradise, not living a life with love.

- Radio

- This Is What Makes Us Girls

- Blue Velvet

- Without You

- [stepping down into the audience, banter with the fans and talk of her gratitude as she starts…]

- Video Games


Lighting: Same as the last act--we've finally reached the payoff, so it doesn't darken again.


- National Anthem10187555_984118_1000.jpg



Again, love the name for same reasons as The GoGo Dancers, as well as the setting. I like the image projection idea, very Summertime Sadness music video. Like how you have a variety of packages, one upgrading from the other, and they have creative names. You have chosen a variety of cities worldwide which is good so the majority of her fans will get to see her. The only thing I don't get is why she goes to and from Europe 3 times, and from america to Europe to north america. Wouldn't it just be easier to do her Asian leg of the tour, then European leg, then South American, then North American, then maybe finish in Los Angeles, anyways that's just my logical thinking lol. I absolutely adore the idea of splitting the tour into acts. The setlist, lighting choices & outfits all fit in together perfectly. Well done.


Score: 9/10


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