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Wbk the set was 20 minutes like a week ago so if you're surprised... that's on you!


Jk but that set was INCREDIBLE. We were fed. This new Sophie sounds amazing... club, mature and focused. The shygirl track... OK???????!!!!!!!!!


Obviously I'm bias, but it's fact

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Did you guys see Sophie's ex has been trashing Sophie on IG, saying that Sophie is lying about being trans


Idk.. I'm sceptical about what these "values" are she's talking ab. Some trans people believe that we need to conform to be accepted and Tzef may be projecting these ideas onto Sophie. As a trans person, I feel like these accounts about people "faking"" being trans are almost always made up to divide the community. Tzef supposedly was with Sophie long enough to know she was lying? But then says Sophie admitted to lying? It's not adding up


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Ok so supposedly she says Sophie faked being trans for money and clout sksksksk okay girl. Literally no one fcking does this. Idk why some trans people believe they can identify the "real transgender people" based on their cis-normative criteria


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I feel like if SOPHIE really was pretending to be trans for money and clout, she wouldn't have started transitionning like she seem to have done over the years. Like it could have been so easy for her to be like "I am trans now" and not change her physique at all, but she went throught a lot of things to change her apparence and to be who she always felt like she was

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