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AKA Lizzy Grant


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i had my doubts about the quality of this project for a while after all the singles (they sound great on the album tho!!!), but as a whole I truly believe this was really sophie's vision, its really good

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24 minutes ago, faceshopping said:

What are the Hannah and LIZ tracks like?


Live in My Truth is very nice and the hannah track is also good (and should’ve been the last track on the setlist instead of love me off earth) Why Lies is a bit repetitive but still enjoyable


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18 minutes ago, MrsButtersWERK said:

Just curious, do we know HOW it leaked? So odd that og files leaked a week before release.. :crossed:

someone got the CD early and exported it to their pc. the leak even has a log file from pulling it from a dvd player

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My re-arranged tracklist after listening!


1. Intro (The Full Horror)

2. Gallop (works well as a transition to PA)

3. Plunging Asymptote

4. Rawwwwww

5. Reason Why

6. Why Lies

7. Live In My Truth

8. Do You Wanna Be Alive

9. Elegance

10. Berlin Nightmare

11. One More Time

12. The Dome's Protection (the transition from OMT is a lil messy but it makes more sense for this to be after OMT)

13. Always And Forever 

14. Love Me Off Earth

15. Exhilarate

16. My Forever (imo this is the better closer)

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Is 'Why Lies' the track we used to know as 'Candy in the Air' or it just incorporate the lyrics?


Also Signe Pierce in 'Do You Wanna Be Alive' sounds so much like Chase Icon lol

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1 minute ago, elesbinho said:

Is 'Why Lies' the track we used to know as 'Candy in the Air' or it just incorporate the lyrics?


Also Signe Pierce in 'Do You Wanna Be Alive' sounds so much like Chase Icon lol


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