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Hey so this is VERY different from Lana and pretty not mainstream, but basically the band CocoRosie is my penultimate favourite band ever and I stan them like at least as much as I stan Lana. They're composed of two sisters, Bianca and Sierra Casady, Sierra being the oldest. (I'm madly desperately in love with Bianca but that's not the point). We're a small but very dedicated fandom :) It's not just a band, it's also an art project with numerous adaptations, and Bianca is a visual artist. They have their own bands, Metallic Falcons for Sierra, dreamy desert metal for babies, and Bianca Casady and the CIA for Bianca, which I had the pleasure to see live, and is theatrical noisy poetry mixed with a dance performance.


This is them, Bianca's on the left, Sierra on the right.








Their music is extremely hard to describe. Their first album, La Maison De Mon Rêve, 2004, was homemade and very super low-fi. I think it's been called freak folk several times and plenty compared to Bjork because it's super weird. It's very related to Devendra Banhart, Antony And The Johnsons, etc. They have HEAVY hip hop and opera influences. It's delicate, feminine, violent, and the lyrics are revoltingly striking poetry. Their others albums are Noah's Ark, 2004, who changed my life as much as UV and HM are doing; The Adventures Of Ghosthorse And Stillborn, 2007; Coconuts, Plenty Of Junk Food EP, 2009; Grey Oceans, 2010; Tales Of A Grass Widow, 2013, and their new album. Their most known songs are Werewolf, By Your Side, Lemonade, etc.


My two favourite songs by them, and also ultimate fav songs ever (along with Lana's You're Gonna Love Me and Serial Killer), are the live renditions of Japan and Raphael. Raphael is by very far the song I've ever listened to the most.


They're currently doing a little world tour to promote their new album, Heartache City, who's an absolute masterpiece and ironically got out the same day as Honeymoon. They're coming to London October 14th, I'm going to see them for the first time and probably self-combust.

I love them to after the afterlife, I was wondering if any other knew them, and if not I'd suggest you give them a go :cuteface: This is their new single from Heartache City, it's called Lost Girls, it's extremely empowering. I adore it :)



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I got into CocoRosie because I looooove Antony Hegarty and she sings on a few of their songs.  I think Grey Oceans is one of my favourite albums, but I listened to it (and the Coconuts, Plenty of Junk Food EP ) a lot this summer while my mom was dying so it's a bit of a touchy album for me these days. 

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@@Rebel yeah me too like I always forget how great it is because I'm so done with only seeing lyrics of it on the tumblr tag but it's really a life-changing song. 


@@fraises me too omg!!! I mean I discovered Antony and Devendra after CocoRosie, but I totally fell in love with Antony, I love her so much, her voice kills me. And I ADORE the fact that Lana mentioned her in a very early interview, saying she wanted to kiss her :') Noah's Ark is my favourite album for many reasons, but the aesthetics and stories of Grey Oceans floor me. The video for Gallows destroyed me. I'm very sorry for your loss. I think CPOJF is particularly adapted for mourning. I mean a song like Milkman... It's too powerful to be 100% human. It's pure emotion. It reminds me a lot of another mourning / breakup song, called Swamp Tearz, that I highly suggest you if you don't know it already, although I must warn you, it's HELLA RAW. I think that CPOJF is one of my very fav CocoRosie albums. Joseph City is marvellously stellar, one of my ultimate top. And same for Spirit Lake, but in a more apocalyptic happy way. 


@@trayertrash trash omfg hahaha this is he first time someone called me mommy :toofunny: I do am working on a masterpost since like... a year... urgh... but you're convincing me to finish it! It's hard because they have A LOT of bootlegs and a big particularity of CocoRosie is that their live songs sounds millions of light years away from their album versions. But yes, definitely  :smile:


I'm sooooooooooooooo happy other people know of them :party: They're kind of my biggest reason to live.


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omfg why is this thread so dead... they're legends

side note why are the KEXP live versions of burnface and fairy paradise better than life itself

A friend shipped me The Englightened Family CD as a surprise yesterday and I'm still chocking :defeated: Honestly, truly. Sidenote the best version of God Has A Voice is obviously the zdf kultur Rajhastan Roots version. God I love dem witches


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I've been obsessed with them lately! Noah's Ark is one of my favorite albums ever, I got into it when I had a 101 fever and was high as shit off painkillers and had like a borderline religious experience lmao. I'm not as into their recent work but every album they've put out has at least a couple of solid songs.

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I've been obsessed with them lately! Noah's Ark is one of my favorite albums ever, I got into it when I had a 101 fever and was high as shit off painkillers and had like a borderline religious experience lmao. I'm not as into their recent work but every album they've put out has at least a couple of solid songs.

What's your fav on the album? I'm so happy to meet someone else whose it's one of their fav albums ever cause it truly is for me, got my vinyl signed by Bianca and all :) Honestly Heartache City was AMAZING, Grey Oceans and Tales are their worst albums by very far



racist legends!!!! 


(i love these controversial queens tho)

Tru but


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What's your fav on the album? I'm so happy to meet someone else whose it's one of their fav albums ever cause it truly is for me, got my vinyl signed by Bianca and all :) Honestly Heartache City was AMAZING, Grey Oceans and Tales are their worst albums by very far


Hmm, that's though. Maybe Tekno Love Song, but I also looove South 2nd and Honey or Tar.


Grey Oceans was a very mixed bag for me, it had some bangeurs (Lemonade, Smokey Taboo, Hopscotch!) but some of it is a little drab for me. I really liked the stripped down vibe of Heartache City, and Lost Girls should be so much bigger than it is. That album reminds me a lot of their first one, which I love when it doesn't sound like a minstrel parody. It's a shame they pulled that racist shit so early in their career because I really do think it fucked up their critical success.

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Hmm, that's though. Maybe Tekno Love Song, but I also looove South 2nd and Honey or Tar.


Grey Oceans was a very mixed bag for me, it had some bangeurs (Lemonade, Smokey Taboo, Hopscotch!) but some of it is a little drab for me. I really liked the stripped down vibe of Heartache City, and Lost Girls should be so much bigger than it is. That album reminds me a lot of their first one, which I love when it doesn't sound like a minstrel parody. It's a shame they pulled that racist shit so early in their career because I really do think it fucked up their critical success.

I agree but I also think it came from a place of ignorance and not malignancy, due to their peculiar upbringing and stuff. Still doesn't excuse it though, I'm nowhere near able to talk about this. I love your fav songs choices, I swore on my grave that I will kiss the street of South 2nd in NYC one day


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I remember someone randomly posting the link to this a few years ago, one of the most memorable live performances I've seen in the past few years even now. Rarely since has anything made such an impact on me. Kind of forgot about them for a while, then I found a copy of 'La Maison de Mon Reve' in a small charity shop in the middle of nowhere. Definitely prefer their most recent stuff like 'We Are On Fire/Tearz For Animals' and "Heartache City'  :flutter:

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back again because i listened to grey oceans in full for the first time and its fucking beautiful  :poordat:


i always listen to artists work in chronological order, so so far ive only heard la maison -> noahs ark -> ghosthorse & stillborn -> coconuts -> and now grey oceans. and theyve literally gotten better with every album


oh and coconuts, plenty of junk food is severely underrated



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I made a little guide for the ones who wants to dig into their disco :



My tier :

1.Grey Ocean :crying:
Heartache City
3.Tales Of A Grasswidow
4.Put The Shine On
5.We Are On Fire Two Tracks
6.Bianca Casady & The C.I.A Oscar Hocks
7.Coconuts, Plenty Of Junkfood
8.Metalic Falcons Desert Doughnuts
9.Noah's Ark
10.The Adventures Of Ghosthorse And Stillborn
11.La Maison de Mon Rêve

4 tracks I love :




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