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Ironically this is the last time this thread is going to be relevant.ย :true:

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i meannnnnnn good for her?ย we've clearly not seen the last of her, she's just taking it offline (for now, she said, to be fair) and staying lowkey, which i'm all for if that makes her happy & lets her focus on her (other) work


but i'm also HELLA confused about, what this means in terms of her career and what we'll get to see of it, andย howย we'll get to see it if she's still going to be making art for public consumption (which seems to be her intention, despite everything)


being on hiatus is one thing, going radio silent is another completely


it's like, are we gonna witness the resurgence of her dozens of burner accounts, or is this actually it


until, whenever





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She took a break during the Honeymoon era and all that introspection helped it become one of her best records so maybe it's a good thing on the musical aspect.

What worries me is that if she really wants to focus on other parts of her life, social media was never an impediment before, so why now? Maybe her niece changed things. I hope Lana is okay and it's not hurtful comments and other stuff that got to her.

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Us tomorrow when burthdaykake coincidentally starts posting againย :wat:

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9 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


well she needs to unsign herself from capitol records if that's the case :toofunny:

Why? Have you seen the incredible work they have done to Halsey's career? I can't stand that fake ass no talent bitch Halsey, but the stuff Capitol releases of her is tremendous. Incredible album roll outs, music video, etc. Imagine all that with a real talented person like Lana? A freaking full size Halsey movie with music produced by Trent Reznor last month was released. I mean... Lana deserves something like that more that what's her face. Signing to Capitol would be a great move.ย 

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I kinda have no doubt she will be back sooner than we think tbh... we all know how sporadic she can be - announcing albums that don't exist, announcing dates where nothing happens etc. I think she might be being a little dramatic at the moment but it might be nice for her to take a break, just seems super weird when she has an album coming out next month? Why didn't she do this after the album releaseย 


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It's all left me feeling unsettled... I don't know why... Something feels off! I hope she's ok. I can understand needing to be away from social media. People post such hurtful stuff about her :(

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch-ย Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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