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4 hours ago, ivory almond said:

@111 @fl0r1dakil0s @Wait For Life how long does it take to upload a MQ mp3 like—

Longer than you’d think

1 hour ago, fishtails said:

She left us with the Happiness is a Butterfly reference and the quote:

"Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will elude, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder."


Maybe this is why she's leaving Instagram, to be less focused on public appearance, and turn her attention to other things to seek out that happiness :um2:


Also the oceanblvd account and the accounts her backup singers and dancers made make so much sense now...plus there's the account Chuck and Charlie made too...I have a feeling all of these are meant to replace the Honeymoon account in some way

Oceanblvd is doing nothing of the sort I’m afraid


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1 hour ago, ivory almond said:


looks like a fan account lol


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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2 minutes ago, American Whore said:


looks like a fan account lol

It's obviously miss Ivory Almond's.. she's seeing an opportunity and she's taking it  :smile2:  entrepreneur of the year she made her start copying lyrics and has upgraded to an entire social media account

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29 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

It's obviously miss Ivory Almond's.. she's seeing an opportunity and she's taking it  :smile2:  entrepreneur of the year she made her start copying lyrics and has upgraded to an entire social media account

not me, new post tho



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14 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:

Check Charlie's story..:horror:

Damn this whole family is pissing me off today with the dramatics. Except Rob. Rob you will always be famous 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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3 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

Does anyone actually believe she is retiring?😭 From all her interviews, it doesn’t sound like she is going anywhere anytime soon 

No but I lowkey kind of think this could be the first album where there’s a bit of a longer break between them, but I thought that even before this today

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2 hours ago, CinnamonGay said:

Check Charlie's story..:horror:

Did Lana really have full control over this acc? Like do we know for definite it was always her posting?


She said in an interview (maybe the one with billie I can’t remember 100%), that her brother manages her social media account for her? Was this another one of her little white lies?


he seemed very active to jump in on the whole deactivation stuff lol, like it was his thing :bebe:

like a dream, you glide on the water 


and like a star, I shine from the shore 

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1 hour ago, la otra mujer said:



People really sharing private messages by her? 🙈🤔 No wonder she leaves social media, lol. 


However, I guess as spontaneous as she leaves now (social media and / or business), as spontaneous and out of the blue she will be back.

(Probably these live performances are just too much stress, too.)

It was expensive watch it 

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is it just me or i didn't move enough with her closing honeymoon. like i have always known that she's isn't a social media person until the pandemic started. but sure it's a shame that honeymoon closed down i still remember following it way back in 2015 when it was just used as a promo account for the album




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1 hour ago, ultravyvanse said:

Im pretty sure this is as close as ill get to the darkness. 


she tells us to "shut up, she's deleting this"


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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