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Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.

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It's funny because on my Facebook feed, I have friends who live in the UK and who are completely appalled and regularly posted info videos about the benefits of the EU. And on the other hand I had family members who live in England and who strongly defended the Brexit. 


I honestly believe that this is a big mistake that can be attributed to the savage media campaign against the EU that has been going on for years. The amount of lies that I read is unbelievable ! But of course, if you're fed this kind of information, it's hard to abandon it and look elsewhere, especially if your worries and fears are tickled. 


Now, from what I gather, this is not final. David Cameron is resigning (probably due to the heavy pressure that other ministers put on him) and so new elections will be held. The new PM then can introduce a letter to the President of the EU to make the decision final. However, this would be unlikely, if the PM is from the Labour Party, since it's more in favor of the EU. 


A mess. If they do decide to leave the Union for good, I think they'll pretty soon feel the consequences. Starting with the ginormous subsidies that the UK demanded and that no other countries received. 


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such a mess!!!! I thought our nation was better than this, but clearly not. it's the end of the UK for sure.


It's funny because on my Facebook feed, I have friends who live in the UK and who are completely appalled and regularly posted info videos about the benefits of the EU. And on the other hand I had family members who live in England and who strongly defended the Brexit. 


I honestly believe that this is a big mistake that can be attributed to the savage media campaign against the EU that has been going on for years. The amount of lies that I read is unbelievable ! But of course, if you're fed this kind of information, it's hard to abandon it and look elsewhere, especially if your worries and fears are tickled. 


Now, from what I gather, this is not final. David Cameron is resigning (probably due to the heavy pressure that other ministers put on him) and so new elections will be held. The new PM then can introduce a letter to the President of the EU to make the decision final. However, this would be unlikely, if the PM is from the Labour Party, since it's more in favor of the EU. 


A mess. If they do decide to leave the Union for good, I think they'll pretty soon feel the consequences. Starting with the ginormous subsidies that the UK demanded and that no other countries received. 

It is final. There's no way that a new minister will go back on this.


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such a mess!!!! I thought our nation was better than this, but clearly not. it's the end of the UK for sure.


It is final. There's no way that a new minister will go back on this.


I'm simply relying what's being said in the corridors of the Commission (I know someone who works there and the conversations are lit). It's interesting as a piece of information considering the source, nothing more. But I agree, it would be somewhat anti constitutional.. 


What is the problem? Like this is a serious question, how is this a bad thing?


It's a touchy problem because first of all NO country has ever shown signs of wanting to leave the EU. Ever. So it's a problem in the way that there has been no precedent and no one quite knows how to handle it. 


Second of all, the UK's press has ALWAYS dragged the EU, saying that "Brussels decided that" blablabla (in other words, implying that the UK has no power, and that "Brussels" decides for everyone). Which is complete bull because the meetings they refer to about actually involve every representative of every EU member and involve serious negotiation between all of them.


In addition, the UK was led to believe that their money was being stolen. When actually the EU is giving them money like no other country. The UK has always had this position where they're part of the EU but to their conditions (they kept their pound, they always vetoed in order to favor themselves etc..) 


And finally, there are countless ways in which this will affect them: the pound will be a currency that will have to face much stronger ones, they'll have to ask visas now in order to come to Europe etc... 



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What is the problem? Like this is a serious question, how is this a bad thing?


the campaign for 'leave' was essentially based on xenophobic / racist / anti-immigration sentiment & in pure economic terms the UK gain nothing from leaving the EU. this gives power to the far-right all over Europe & puts the EU in a precarious position (this last point not being necessarily bad when it comes to their usual undemocratic neoliberal decisions tho).

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the campaign for 'leave' was essentially based on xenophobic / racist / anti-immigration sentiment & in pure economic terms the UK gain nothing from leaving the EU. this gives power to the far-right all over Europe & puts the EU in a precarious position (this last point not being necessarily bad when it comes to their usual undemocratic neoliberal decisions tho).



Yes, that too !! 


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It's advisory, so let's hope.


Fortunately I recently buggered off from London to Australia :D let's hope I find work and can stay..



:O where in aus are you staying? I'm in Melbourne :creep:


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What is the problem? Like this is a serious question, how is this a bad thing?

The value of the £ has already plummeted dramatically and is at its lowest since 1985. The UK economy is no longer in the top 5 best economies in the world and the FTSE has gone down 8.4%, or roughly £130 billion. Lots of banking groups have had their values wiped out in a matter of minutes - Lloyds, for example, has gone down 30%. Around half a million jobs will be lost and the GDP will be almost 4% lower than if we stayed in the EU by 2017. After 15 years, the cost of leaving the EU will be about £4300 per household per year, which works out to be £36 billion a year.


That's just the short-term economic consequences as well. There's issues like national security, immigration and trade - along with many more - that haven't been realised yet.


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Only.... eight hours? away in Canberra! And then I'll go wherever I get employed :D Are there many Aussies on here?


Canberra's so boring tbh come to a fun city :hooker: tho depending on your field of work Canberra might be better.


There's a few of us yes. I've met @ a few times :3 and I think @@ConeyIslandKing is in Sydney (correct me if I'm wrong). couple others that i'm blanking on atm~


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And I see the majority of the leave voters were 65+. Fuck the greying population I hope life expectancy lowers to 60 you useless out of touch losers who still hold the racist values you were brought up with. This whole result came from the fear monger ing from the media on immigrantion and refugees and the xenophobic attitude from the public I am certain.

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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the campaign for 'leave' was essentially based on xenophobic / racist / anti-immigration sentiment & in pure economic terms the UK gain nothing from leaving the EU. this gives power to the far-right all over Europe & puts the EU in a precarious position (this last point not being necessarily bad when it comes to their usual undemocratic neoliberal decisions tho).



Yes, that too !! 

Oohhhhhhh right that sucks and is not right


The value of the £ has already plummeted dramatically and is at its lowest since 1985. The UK economy is no longer in the top 5 best economies in the world and the FTSE has gone down 8.4%, or roughly £130 billion. Lots of banking groups have had their values wiped out in a matter of minutes - Lloyds, for example, has gone down 30%. Around half a million jobs will be lost and the GDP will be almost 4% lower than if we stayed in the EU by 2017. After 15 years, the cost of leaving the EU will be about £4300 per household per year, which works out to be £36 billion a year.


That's just the short-term economic consequences as well. There's issues like national security, immigration and trade - along with many more - that haven't been realised yet.

Ooooh that's interesting... I study economics at school so I'm sure this will come up in class soon. What is causing the GDP to decrease though like idgi? Is it just economic security from EU


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let's not forget the propaganda that's already going on in russia. they are already exploiting this tragic event. 

UK leaving -> weaker "wounded" EU -> weaker NATO since the UK were the most "russia critic" country -> less of a threat to russia

that's also an issue that's gonna affect weaker European Nations in some months/years.


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I also feel like people voted Leave just because they wanted to be radical and use a vote that would make something different  Im so mad

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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The result is so close to 50/50, almost half of the UK is against this decision. I'm almost sure this is gonna lead to another Referendum whether or not Scotland will stay in the UK since they voted pro EU.


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