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Anyone here bought Everybody Wants To Be Poppy before it wss pulled from Itunes? All I can find online are video rips




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What's kind of annoying to me is that her aesthetic is really not her aesthetic at all.


Everything she does is written and directed entirely by Titanic Sinclair, except for her music, and even then she doesn't even have a writing credit on "Money" (her best song in my opinion) 



She literally films all of her videos in his living room, often on the same backdrops, and it's just his constant over-consumerist Illuminati wannabe "brainwashed millennial teen who can't tell the difference between an iphone and jesus, the internet is real life" thing over and over. Except if you look, his videos have almost no views because they're pretentious as fuck and make him completely unlikeable. However, Poppy has that air of curiosity to her image and the same gratuitous use of Illuminati symbolism that keeps the conspirators talking and coming back. She has that kind of soul-piercing stare that makes it possible for someone to watch her read the Bible for 49 minutes. She calls a dog a "doge" because Poppy is supposed to be a creature of the new Internet, so she only knows dogs as "doge" because of a popular meme. It's an interesting concept, but it gets old fast.


Catch Titanic's annoying voice as the Skeleton here. 


And the sad thing is that she goes with it without question. For example, I'm sure any of you who've done your research have seen that interview she did where she seems positively normal. The people who posted that refused to take it down upon Poppy and Titanic's request, so it's a huge crack in her persona. Titanic responded with the Poppy video "Numbers", where you hear a bell going off on certain numbers. If you were to write down the numbers that the bell rings on, it's actually the phone number of the girl interviewing her in that video, which is just totally not okay, and he knew that the people who genuinely think Poppy is some kind of MK Ultra product would get curious about it. Honestly petty.


And it's not even the first time he's done this kind of thing.

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Even then she doesn't even have a writing credit on "Money" (her best song in my opinion) 

She did co-write all of her material to date though; apparently she wasn't as involved with American Kids as her other songs (she only has an 18% split of the publishing rights) but that could just be an error on her publisher's part. Speaking of which, I forgot to post in here that her publishing company is named One One Nine Five Publishing, so she could actually be 21? I searched Twitter yesterday to verify her birthday and it turns out she actually was born on January 1st  :deadbanana:

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That Mars Argo girl is cute. I like her music. Did Titanic replace her with Poppy?


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Everything she does is written and directed entirely by Titanic Sinclair, except for her music, and even then she doesn't even have a writing credit on "Money" (her best song in my opinion) 

There's a huge chance that her real name is Moriah Pereira and if you look on this website ( http://www.allmusic.com/artist/that-poppy-mn0003411865/songs ) you can see that she has writing credit on all her songs

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There's a huge chance that her real name is Moriah Pereira and if you look on this website ( http://www.allmusic.com/artist/that-poppy-mn0003411865/songs ) you can see that she has writing credit on all her songs


Yeah that's definitely her name. She used to go by Moriah Poppy, then just Poppy, and now That Poppy.


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OKAY I have dug shit up! These were really difficult to find lmao. Both shot in 2013.


Breezeblocks music video https://new.vk.com/video15980765_169130971


Fade Into You music video http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTE2MDU0MTMy.html


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She did co-write all of her material to date though; apparently she wasn't as involved with American Kids as her other songs (she only has an 18% split of the publishing rights) but that could just be an error on her publisher's part. Speaking of which, I forgot to post in here that her publishing company is named One One Nine Five Publishing, so she could actually be 21? I searched Twitter yesterday to verify her birthday and it turns out she actually was born on January 1st  :deadbanana:


Her being 21 is more plausible than her being 15 :rip:


anyway I've determined I like her music and nothing else about her. I don't care for the aesthetic, I don't care for the persona and I don't care for her collaborators.


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"Poppy" is a character that was born in a world of technology. Poppy was raised via the internet and television, and has no sense of reality outside of it. This is why she only references internet trends, memes, iphones, illuminati theories, laundry detergent and cleaning supply advertisements, etc. This is also why she sounds like a television commercial anytime she speaks, why she shows no human emotion, why she was "created" instead of born, and why she doesn't identify with an age. Her real name is Moriah Rose Pereira, and she was born on January 1st, 1995.

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