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Guest Maru the Cat

LanaBoards: Video Questionnaires!

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Guest Maru the Cat



Hey guys! So you may remember that a few days I ago put forth the idea of a MotW: Video Edition. Due to an outpouring of interest and my creepy desire to watch people, I've decided that this will no longer be a Member of the Week contest, but a forum activity. So, regardless of whether or not you've been nominated or have won MotW, you are still eligible to contribute a video. I want as many people as possible to get involved!


Here's how it works: I will provide you with a list of questions (see spoiler below). You'll turn on your webcam/phone/video camera and answer the questions. Easy-peasy. You will then upload your video to Youtube/Vimeo and make it either an unlisted video (youtube), or a password protected (Vimeo) and send it my way via PM. Please do not share your video with anyone else, I want them all to be a surprise when I make the official thread showcasing all of your videos!


I am not imposing any sort of time limit or minimum length of time on these videos. These can be as short or as long as you want... but you may want to avoid making it too long. Here's why:


The thread showcasing all of the videos will also include a poll. Members will vote for their favourite videos, and the winner will have an opportunity yet again to have the spotlight on them and answer even more questions/tell us a story/sing us a song -- whatever it is you want us to watch you doing... ;)


If your video is too long, you run the risk of people not watching it in its entirety and not voting for you. If your video is too short, you may not be able to ~capture our hearts~ with the small amount of time we had to watch you. So be wary of the length!


Here are a list of questions for you to choose from. You DO NOT have to answer all of these. If you don't like any of these questions, feel free to pop into this thread and steal a few questions to answer!:


1.) When did you become a fan of Lana? What was it about her that attracted you to her?


2.) What's your current career? OR What's your dream job? OR ANSWER BOTH


3.) What are your hobbies? (This can't involve any sort of social media/tumblr/being online)


4.) Who are your favourite artists?


5.) What is your most embarrassing moment? (Please don't hold back! :3)


6.) What would you consider your greatest accomplishment(s)?


7.) What is a characteristic/trait you see in others that you wish you had?


8.) What did you do today? / (If you haven't done anything...) What are your plans for the day?


9.) What advice would you give to a five-years-younger version of yourself?


10.) Lana's junior and high school years have been rather chaotic from what we know. How were yours?


11.) If given the opportunity to meet Lana for an hour, what would you do/say?


12.) What was the last book you read?


13.) Do any of the words sassy, fabulous, or flawless describe you?


14.) Do you like pies? What is your favourite kind of pie?


15.) What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam?


16.) What are your (pet peeves?)/(deal-breakers when it comes to friends/relationships?)


17.) Would you rather love and be loved or know all God knows?


18.) What would you say is your favourite physical trait + personal characteristic in potential partner? In yourself?


19.) You can bring two people back from the dead, have an exquisite dinner and some great conversation with them... who would they be and what would you eat?


20.) What's something not many people know about you? OR What's something that we would be surprised to learn about you OR ANSWER BOTH.


BONUS: Is there anything you'd like to tell the community of LanaBoards?



The videos will be due 2 weeks from now; November 5th!


Happy Video-Making, and I look forward to seeing everyone's entries!

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Guest Maru the Cat

Growing out my facial hair for this tbh. :shy:


As am I. :3



Hairy Arab women unite :3


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This idea flopped so hard. :toofloppy:

Can we bring this back? I should have time to make a video this weekend, and I assume at least a few members already made their own a while ago. It's up to you though, Maru, I know how busy you can get! Do you think you'll have time soon to work all the fine tunings for this? :3 It's a really great idea and I wish we hadn't fallen behind with it. Maybe we can do dance sessions with our box sets too. :creep:


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