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  1. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Really long please forgive me! My Nice Big Jimmy/K Post, i Know it sounds weird but bear with me~
      Thankyou for reading aag i know its super long so if you read it/ agreed/ disagreed or whatever thankyou for bothering to read it, i dno how sitar does this im exhausted, its bed time for me ugh, anyways hope you like my theories and that it makes sense to you guys and im not to crazy, im not the best at english either so forgive me if its bad
  2. mr borntolose liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    My Favorite Lana photos have to be ones she's taken herself at her house/at the trailer park? I can never seem to find any like these.. and the ones i do find i have saved, anyone have any pictures like these they would like to share :3

  3. lili liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Brite Lites   
    theres something i just love about this song, i dont know why but it will always be a favorite
  4. Girl That Got Away liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in First Aid Kit   
    I love them, if im thinking of the right people, they have a song called King of the World? it was my favorite :3
  5. Elina liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Butterflies Part 2   
    ya, this can be confirmed to be about a Preacher now? omg we were so wrong </3 
  6. Elina liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I also love gods and monsters... and every other song >.< cannot pick
  7. Elina liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    So guys the time is coming.. slowly.. so for those of you who have it (us lucky straylians') Or In a couple of days.. everyone else what's your favorite song? or even better, what song did you play first
    please do not post any lyrics or hints about the songs that would "spoil" it for people who want to read this thread and still enjoy their first time at listening to the EP.
    But my god Bel Air and Cola ftw
  8. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Burnt Norton (Interlude)   
    This is a small part of a T.S Elliot poem, if you google the first few lines you should be able to find a link to read the full poem. Its very beautiful 
  9. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    If Lana did d drugs as speculated (meth and yayo) the timeline would put her drug days in her trailer park/ Lizzy g era, I think it's a no brainer she did some hard meth and yayo, she makes it blatantly obvious in her songs, and hints are dropped in numerous videos >.< plus I reckon she got her nose job because of the drug abuse... It all adds up
  10. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    My Favorite Lana photos have to be ones she's taken herself at her house/at the trailer park? I can never seem to find any like these.. and the ones i do find i have saved, anyone have any pictures like these they would like to share :3

  11. eyelovelefteye liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    where da fuck you buying your coke from.. an ounce is about 300$???????
    I think you mean a point of cocaine for $20 lol
  12. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    I was born baaad
    I should really stop no encouragement, while I look fine on the outside I've certainly noticed mental changes ect.
    I somehow really enjoy the idea of a gogo dancer Lana.. Can't tell you how much I'd pay for THAT lap dance
    I probably think the bulk of her drug use was during her high school days, which is the case of quite a few of people, but I do think it continued into her trailer park days? Just because of how drugged she looks (or looks like she's been doing them) in her trailer park photos
    I nevaaaaa have to work coz am daddy is richhhh,
    I always wondered about that line because do you think even if she herself was poor and gogo dancing, she had a rich boyfriend? I always put it together that her and jimmy were probably together around that time, and by the sounds of things he was in rehab ? Making me doubt he would be rich,
  13. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    It's like an online job listing you can get someone asking for a person to rake there front yard for $50 or you can get someone asking for a blowjob behind the coffee shop, it's just a place where you can post jobs for people to do for money, and like every website, it has its normal stuff, and it has its... Not so normal..
  14. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    But I think she used cough syrup "cigarettes and robutussin"
    I mean skull a bottle of that and you'll be seeing unicorns within the hour, and its like $12, I'm interested in what Tpd said, a picture of Lizzy injecting something? That would be more than a tad controversial, for Lana's sake I hope it never surfaces, she got clean and made the effort nothing worse than her drug days coming back to haunt her after she's done the long haul getting clean
    At least alcohol can be cheap guys, I think I might become a rich drug dealer tbh
  15. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    Idk it's not worth it, high isn't long enough, plus its real expensive, I just don't understand how Lana ever had the money, but then again when your addicted you'll do anything :/
  16. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    Absolute euphoria, meth is very similar to cocaine but longer lasting, you just feel like... Invincible, sometimes I feel like I'm apart from reality aswell, like I'm in a game or something, also I think about weird things, my mind tends to stray to the weirder side of things quickly when I'm high, sometimes I even feel like m floating or somehow like I'm moving differently or more elegantly? It's hard to describe, the only way you can tell I do it is if I'm high and you look into my eyes.. My pupils go HUGE, thats why i think lana looks super high in that picture, her eyes are like black... what my eyes look like.. it could just be a shit camera though,
  17. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    where da fuck you buying your coke from.. an ounce is about 300$???????
    I think you mean a point of cocaine for $20 lol
  18. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    tbh, I do meth.. and i look fine, It can vary, I have met people who look absolutely fucked, after over 2 years of use you can't really tell with me at all, completely depends on the person.
    She could of had a nose job for many different reasons, but it is true that almost every coke user ive met that snorts has a fucked up nose, iv'e even met a few that don't even have a septum at all,
    I dont think the damage done by drugs could have been that extensive or we would have noticed in photos. But then again her timeline confuses me, and there's alot of gray areas, and it's easy enough to not get your picture taken, so it's possible we wouldn't have noticed at all,
    Just the way she sings and talks about the drug culture in her songs leads me to believe it wasn't some occasional thing, if she was an occasional user you would think about 70% of the drug references in her songs wouldnt be there, why would she sing about them asif it was an important aspect in her life, if she did it once or twice
  19. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    Wow I haven't seen a lot of these! Thank you
  20. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    I have often wondered that too.. Tanks for the pics TPD..
    It's true that meth is a pretty hard drug, almost end of the road, I'd say second to heroin, cracks not nearly as bad, I know she got clean but I don't see how rehab could fit into her timeline, you can see the meth in her face.. Especially the last pic, it scares me to think about her in the grip of an addiction, it's hard work to get clean, poor girl
    Never new about Jamie's heroin addiction, I think this links to her being described as crazy aswell... The drugs would be the main contributor to that,
  21. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Burnt Norton (Interlude)   
    This is a small part of a T.S Elliot poem, if you google the first few lines you should be able to find a link to read the full poem. Its very beautiful 
  22. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Run Motorcycle   
    The Lizzy Grant era that I’m here for
    Also @ anyone who argues with me that Lana isn’t a Gemini. ♊♊♊
  23. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Do you think Lana has any psychiatric diagnoses?   
    she has many references to being crazy, I can recall the controversy about her and the little toy drums? or something like that, some musicians she allegedly performed with, a lady that disliked the band (apparently they are pedophilles and rapists..) said that the drummer? Was with a "mentally insane 20 year old" that was later found out to be referring to Lizzy
    Also the release of noir got me thinking, particularly with the lines "glamorous,dangerous,crazy" and being caught in the fame game..
    I don't feel as if she has some actual mental disease but I do feel like a lot of people consider her crazy, I get the impression she was he'll bent in chasing the fame and fortune and glamour that came with being a famous singer, so much so it became an obsession that impacted on her personality and lifestyle and became crazy obsessed with making her life a work of art, as she puts it, we can't really know for sure so idk
    Also I have no idea where I read that about the little toy drums or whatever I'll have a look, it's a review of their band and a lady is going OFF at them in the comments, where she mentions the mentally insane 20 year old the comments after ask her if he was referring to Lizzy and she apparently confirmed so privately with someone who asked, I'll look for it now
  24. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by HeartshapedChevrolet in Run Motorcycle   
    The Lizzy Grant era that I’m here for
    Also @ anyone who argues with me that Lana isn’t a Gemini. ♊♊♊
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