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a legend such an underrated queen even decades into her career :wub: she was the first artist I stanned my parents got me Im Not Dead and Funhouse when I was like 8 after I showed interest in So What and my brain chemistry has never been the same since :silly: literally remember buying The Truth About Love the day on iTunes the day it came out before going to elementary school :rollin:she's got the hits THEEEE real bad girl 

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she passes the mother test for me

her recent stuff (2014ish onward) hasn't been as good as her prime era and it definitely feels like she's firmly feeling her soccer mom oats but there's definitely still some truly excellent stuff in the lake of otherwise just ok stuff so i'm excited for her new album

try this > i'm not dead > funhouse > the greatest hits album > truth about love is such an excellent run of albums like oh my god

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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Kinda crazy that this thread popped up since I've been revisiting her albums for the last few days, but yeah she can make BOPS and is truly underrated in the community imo. Funhouse is such a great pop-rock album

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There are some pretty good songs on her new album! So far I quite like Trustfall, Turbulence, When I Get There, Runaway, Hate Me (!!), and Our Song. I definitely could've done without the collabs this time around, though. As of now, I would say: Hurts 2B Human > Trustfall > Beautiful Trauma.


Also, can we talk about this?


Like wow, sometimes I forget just how amazing her voice is. She did NOT come to play!


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