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You know you're an LDR fan when...

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So this other day during calculus my friend who's really good at drawing drew this and when he was done he kept apologizing on behalf of Lana because he thought she looked too chubby and I was like "Dude, it's not like I know her or anything..." even though I really really wish I did, fml.  :icant:







That is kickass. Damn I wish I could draw.


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You walk around school with your lips puffed out


This is me :heidi: :heidi: TOO PERFECT


- You think it's okay to casually move your hands around when a Lana song is playing






  • Prostitution and doing meth sound like good ideas 




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I'm sure somebody already said this, but saying vih-tuh-min other than vye-tuh-min.


I always pronounce it as Vitamin:)

Why would you say vye-tuh-min? I know Americans do, but it doesnt make sense! Lol


Saying it the way most americans do would mean that in the spelling its "Viteamin." But it isnt... so wouldnt you just say VITamin? :S

:eek:  Dont get you guys..


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  • Older men with full body tattoos who drive motorcycles are suddenly very hot
  • It would be great to dye your hair platinum blonde, or auburn, or black
  • Living in a trailer seems to be pretty cool
  • Her happiness is your happiness

A few month ago I went to the cinema with a friend and thought about the Cola song while she asked me if I wanted to have Pepsi. I stared at her, giggled and whispered "God, no!" Then I realized how obsessed I really am.



  • Prostitution and doing meth sound like good ideas 

Oh god totally. She has such a bad influence on us  :eek:

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You know you're a Lana Fan when:

-You take a sudden liking to older men.

-When you start posing in the mirror like Lana does in her photoshoots......

-When you suddenly want a Ferrari Jacket

- When you smile everytime you drink pepsi "Well we know what this tastes like, dont we now?"

-When you hear Miss USA being said or Beauty Queen and think of Lana

- When you hear National Anthem being said and assume they mean Lana..

- When you have hundreds of bloody GIFs and pictures of her saved on your computer and you cant ever find the one you're looking for

-When you're prepared to pay £25 for a shitty t-shirt, except it has Lana on, so you dont even think its that shitty.

- When you start calling people "Honey, Sunshine, Sweetie, Baby, Baby doll," and other things Lana says

-When you start mentally dating Lana

:raven:  :omfg2:




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  • you start trying to draw similarities between your life and Lana's and think "OMG WE ARE EXACTLY THE SAME even if its just because you both know someone named Bob
  • You don't even have to say the name of the artist you are talking about with your friends, they just know its Lana
  • You think gross older guys are really hot and want to call them daddy (ok..maybe not the daddy part)
  • you're lying in bed and thinking "OMG I BET LANA IS SLEEPING NOW TOO,"
  • you see a bottle of coke or cola and immediately think of Cola
  • whenever you see Mountain Dew, you think of DMD and hum it
  • you wish you had someone to share all the cute Lizzy photos with
  • you start thinking your hair is inadequate
  • being a go-go dancer sounds really cool
  • you used to think long fake nails were tacky but now they're super cool
  • you suddenly listen to really old songs and watch old movies
  • while Lana plays you look out the car window and imagine its a music video
  • ferrari jackets are the coolest thing ever
  • you suddenly reconsider baseball hats
  • you realize your clothing is fugly and know you're so basic compared to Lana
  • smoking is a lot cooler and doesn't matter if it killed your grandma
  • blue jeans white shirt
  • you think you hear someone humming Lana songs and whip around your head to see if they really are
  • you really really want a nose job and lip injections


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You started calling men "daddy" as a joke in reference to Lana but it's now taking over your whole life and every time you see a good looking guy who may only be 3/4 years older than you, you say in your head and even sometimes out loud without thinking "can u be my daddy?" 

tumblr_moza5y59Ri1r09ldbo1_400.png ~ataraxia~

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When you get unnecessarily angry at those who sing her songs with the wrong lyrics.

When you throw things at people who say "She's so boring omg." "Was her dad donald duck?" "Shes ginger though."

When you make a mixtape called "Super Sparkle Dope Hawaiian Tropico..."......But maybe thats just me.

When you buy those double rings, like her "Bad" one.


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When you get unnecessarily angry at those who sing her songs with the wrong lyrics.

When you throw things at people who say "She's so boring omg." "Was her dad donald duck?" "Shes ginger though."

When you make a mixtape called "Super Sparkle Dope Hawaiian Tropico..."......But maybe thats just me.

When you buy those double rings, like her "Bad" one.


I'm not the only one yayyy


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You know you're a fan when you and your friend walk trough Deli Deluca and go all... "look, they have mountain dew!"  :dmd: 

Me: "... baby, new york city."  :brows: 

Friend: "Never was there ever a girl so pretty."  :blush: 

Me: "... It's not diet, though."  :pft: 

Friend: "Those assholes."  :wtf2: 


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