reputation 6,323 Posted October 2, 2017 oh shit. just imagine how scary that is. being shot from above so high. the simplicity of his plan has me bewildered. he really was unstoppable. @evilentity what US shooting has surpassed this one? @Elle does this not belong in Terror Attacks or is this too big of an event? ISIS taking responsibility is very troubling to me. also LOL at the anti-gun points already being made. 57 have been confirmed dead. number shall rise 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
comeintomybedroom 8,691 Posted October 2, 2017 what US shooting has surpassed this one? does this not belong in Terror Attacks or is this too big of an event? if we lump everything into one thread, nobody's gonna want to keep up with it 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shades 1,700 Posted October 2, 2017 ISIS taking responsibility is very troubling to me. ISIS takes responsibility for anything ranging from coffee being inconveniently spilled to full blown terror attacks. do not try to spin this into islamophobia. this was terrorism at the hands of a white man who should have never had such easy access to military grade weapons. also LOL at the anti-gun points already being made. why is bringing up anti-gun ideology at a time like this laughable to you? when has such a discussion ever been more relevant? when are these proposed bans and anti-gun measures ever more appropriate or well-supported by massacres like this? what more evidence do we need? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted October 2, 2017 ISIS takes responsibility for anything ranging from coffee being inconveniently spilled to full blown terror attacks. do not try to spin this into islamophobia. this was terrorism at the hands of a white man who should have never had such easy access to military grade weapons. why is bringing up anti-gun ideology at a time like this laughable to you? when has such a discussion ever been more relevant? when are these proposed bans and anti-gun measures ever more appropriate or well-supported by massacres like this? what more evidence do we need? once again, LOL. I found it troubling they keep claiming things that arent them. him being a big scary white man isn't my worry,. im not an islamphobe or whatever the fuck. and this is fresh we barely know anything? evidence my ass. also muslims can be white? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted October 2, 2017 100% of all shootings happen 100% of the time because of a gun or a bullet being used Without a gun or bullet or anything that shoots a bullet (of any size and shape), there wouldn't be any shootings. Undeniable facts Guns do not save. Guns kill, maim, scare, terrorize and were created solely to do that. Yet another undeniable fact. and this killer terrorized the nation, is NOT part of any foreign group (and if some rightwing Bannon or other fake-news attempts to write a headline stating he was, it was soley to hide the complicity of the gun lobby, which is the single biggest lobby group and has the loudest voice, yet not that many members. a gun is a WMD as it is a weapon, causes mass destruction and is an instrument of death. and note that Sarah Huckabee Sanders already used the #1 talking point of the NRA- that being "now is not the time". and for those that may not know- the NRA(the gun lobby group), got a Republican deplorable many years ago to put a single line in a many page bill sayig that NO studies by the Health Department can be done in regard to guns so that no study can be done like the health department did for cigarettes. Guns cannot protect anyone IMHO,, not in a dark movie theatre, not in a dark concert hall, and all it leads to is more people hurt and killed. And in the US, because of the NRA and others- anyone can drive with any number of weapons and bullets in their vehicle, and as long as they don't attract suspicion no one can stop them. and for those that say this person just "snapped", well more reason to do away with all guns, because if that is so, anyone is liable to snap so best to be safe than sorry. the NRA is a fundamentalist group. Who wants NO anti-gun talk, only their bullshhit talking points that are always debunked, except those voices don't shout loud enough. 0 Quote Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted October 2, 2017 if we lump everything into one thread, nobody's gonna want to keep up with it not nessesarily a shooting from what the page tells me 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted October 2, 2017 RIP... These murders are such a pain to even imagine why is bringing up anti-gun ideology at a time like this laughable to you? when has such a discussion ever been more relevant? when are these proposed bans and anti-gun measures ever more appropriate or well-supported by massacres like this? what more evidence do we need? "oh damn, having a gun is illegal! guess I won't kill these people then" - said no terrorist ever in a strict gun legislation country 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted October 2, 2017 @tristeste this gun shooter was a 64 year old Nevada Christian and he was a hunter. He went hunting with his hunting weapons and then killed himself Should have gone to the Grand Canyon and jumped off thereby saving more than 500 people from getting shot, so far 59 people from dying, and the entire nation being terrorized because he had a death wish and had a fetish for holding/stroking a gun in his hand and btw, how many guns and bullets does one person need for hunting? . 1 Quote Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polaroid Frown 63 Posted October 2, 2017 I try to tune these events out of my consciousness every time they happen because it's just so fuckin sad, but this is so beyond tragic it makes me angry. Last night before going to bed the news was talking about a shooting, way smaller and less fatal, that happened at a nightclub in my city, and today I wake up to this (makes the shooting here seem like nothing). I feel so unsafe, and just despondent for this world in general. I'm so glad I live in a country with serious gun control. RIP... These murders are such a pain to even imagine "oh damn, having a gun is illegal! guess I won't kill these people then" - said no terrorist ever in a strict gun legislation country I don't believe in removing guns all together but let's not act like stricter legislations, or a full out removal of guns wouldn't deter someone from being able to do this, or at the least ensure less people die. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted October 2, 2017 @tristeste this gun shooter was a 64 year old Nevada Christian and he was a hunter. He went hunting with his hunting weapons and then killed himself Should have gone to the Grand Canyon and jumped off thereby saving more than 500 people from getting shot, so far 59 people from dying, and the entire nation being terrorized because he had a death wish and had a fetish for holding/stroking a gun in his hand and btw, how many guns and bullets does one person need for hunting? . who cares who he was, why do you always answer something that has nothing to do with what was being said lmao. just saying you got 5784234 examples everyday of why your country shouldn't let guns be so easily available, yet it seems to only concerns you when it wouldn't have made no difference at all. You guys all jump on 50+ fresh corpses to write your cute politically correct essays about guns, because hell yeah, blaming the tool and everything that surrounds it is intellectually easier than questionning what deeply goes wrong in your nation... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted October 2, 2017 the NRA is a terror org. Follow the money trail. @tristese babys don't need pacifiers adults don't need guns/bullets both are the same thing guns don't save. guns kill the fixation with the 1850s or 1950s in America, which was a real horrible time for most of today's demographics is not something to idolize. and no, the perp who did this last night would not have readily used another method. But one wishes he jumped into the Grand Canyon and unlike a gun, he would have saved 59 lives and counting and thousands of other from being hurt and terrorized. Not shooting a gun saves 1 Quote Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shades 1,700 Posted October 2, 2017 once again, LOL. I found it troubling they keep claiming things that arent them. him being a big scary white man isn't my worry,. im not an islamphobe or whatever the fuck. and this is fresh we barely know anything? evidence my ass. also muslims can be white? i can hardly argue with a statement that is barely intelligible, but I'll try. we barely know anything? here's what we know. 1 -- a man was able to buy multiple military grade weapons without any significant barriers 2 -- the same man then went on to use these weapons to kill dozens of people and injure hundreds more 3 -- this same exact scenario has happened dozens of times now and is only getting worse and becoming more frequent 4 -- anybody who wants to do the same can easily repeat exactly what he did with little trouble What else do we need to know?! His motives? Who the fuck cares about why he did what he did -- the point is he was able to do it almost as easily as someone can buy a sandwich at a restaurant. His motives don't change the issue at hand. This is not an isolated issue. RIP... These murders are such a pain to even imagine "oh damn, having a gun is illegal! guess I won't kill these people then" - said no terrorist ever in a strict gun legislation country quite bold of you to make such a statement when we literally have an abundance of evidence that clearly shows that strict gun legislations is directly correlated with a decrease in such crimes. see: any other country with strict gun laws. see: Australia implementing strict gun laws after the 1996 massacre and the success that followed. no, removing a gun from the equation will not stop someone who is determined to do harm, but it sure as hell makes it a lot harder for them to do so, especially on such an enormous scale like this. moron. honestly, how dare people mourn these deaths and express their "condolences" and still have the absolute gall and indecency to refuse to acknowledge that there is a major gun problem in the US. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted October 2, 2017 quite bold of you to make such a statement when we literally have an abundance of evidence that clearly shows that strict gun legislations is directly correlated with a decrease in such crimes. see: any other country with strict gun laws. see: Australia implementing strict gun laws after the 1996 massacre and the success that followed. no, removing a gun from the equation will not stop someone who is determined to do harm, but it sure as hell makes it a lot harder for them to do so, especially on such an enormous scale like this. moron. honestly, how dare people mourn these deaths and express their "condolences" and still have the absolute gall and indecency to refuse to acknowledge that there is a major gun problem in the US. you sir can not read/understand the point of a post the smallest nuancy brought on any subject triggers you all so much you believe it gives you the right to insult someone when you didn't even get his point right 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shades 1,700 Posted October 2, 2017 you sir can not read/understand the point of a post really? "oh damn, having a gun is illegal! guess I won't kill these people then" - said no terrorist ever in a strict gun legislation country you're trying to pass off the argument that making guns illegal and restricting their (ridiculously easy) access won't make a difference in situations like this. by all means, feel free to reword your own argument if you're trying convey a different point, but that's what is coming across. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted October 2, 2017 you're trying to pass off the argument that making guns illegal and restricting their (ridiculously easy) access won't make a difference in situations like this. by all means, feel free to reword your own argument if you're trying convey a different point, but that's what is coming across. My point is that terrorist groups are by nature above any gun legislation in any country in the world. Yet they shoot people as they did in France where the gun legislation is very strict. This is the situation I'm talking about only. + I said in my answer to @graham4anything that a better gun legislation could actually save a lot of lives, so this : honestly, how dare people mourn these deaths and express their "condolences" and still have the absolute gall and indecency to refuse to acknowledge that there is a major gun problem in the US. was totally uncalled for and shows that you probably just didn't want to understand my point so you just decided to trigger yourself over nothing. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted October 2, 2017 poor Shades 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shades 1,700 Posted October 2, 2017 My point is that terrorist groups are by nature above any gun legislation in any country in the world. Yet they shoot people as they did in France where the gun legislation is very strict. This is the situation I'm talking about only. + I said in my answer to @graham4anything that a better gun legislation could actually save a lot of lives, so this : was totally uncalled for and shows that you probably just didn't want to understand my point so you just decided to trigger yourself over nothing. lol... a lone man who wanted to go out with a bang, taking out as many people with him as he could and having an all too easy venue for doing so != a terrorist group ..... this wasn't a planned attack from some foreign terrorist group with a political message ....... some wacko said "Fuck the world i'm going to murder as many people as i can then kill myself, and luckily for me the backwards ass country I live in will sell me military weapons with ridiculous ease so I can easily do so!!!!!!!!" not sure why this is so hard for you to understand u tried tho. poor Shades again. unintelligible. at least you're consistent 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted October 2, 2017 a lone man who wanted to go out with a bang, taking out as many people with him as he could and having an all too easy venue for doing so != a terrorist group ..... this wasn't a planned attack from some foreign terrorist group with a political message ....... some wacko said "Fuck the world i'm going to murder as many people as i can then kill myself, and luckily for me the backwards ass country I live in will sell me military weapons with ridiculous ease so I can easily do so!!!!!!!!" not sure why this is so hard for you to understand u tried tho. wait a bit and you'll see 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polaroid Frown 63 Posted October 2, 2017 As a libertarian I strongly resonate with people's want to bear arms and to protect themselves but what's the point when this has become the result? There's no reason why a weapon of the caliber belonging to the perpetrator should be sold to anyone! 273rd shooting in America in 273 days. One shooting per day. It feels surreal to think about. Culture is incredibly responsible for this. America did not have this problem 50 years ago, or even 20 for that matter. Fix the culture or tighten gun control. Tell me which one is simpler? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shades 1,700 Posted October 2, 2017 wait a bit and you'll see lmao what does that even mean 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites