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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. This may not be accurate. Newport Beach, CA
  2. Not sure where this should go. Saw something on Twitter.
  3. A guy I know who sells 8 track tapes out of his van has a connection in the music industry. These are working titles for the album. Down Sun Down **** Bumblebee Blues **** Smile Boner **** Hollywood and Wine
  4. I hope some of it is more upbeat. Not emotionally just with a beat. Lana always delivers and I am sure there will be a few gems on there.
  5. Lana is still the Queen of Promotion! The first words we hear from her and she says them to a Spanish news network. It's too perfect. "Question for the cultura".
  6. Oops, looks like it's not released till next year.
  7. I don't know if this is true or not. Sounds reasonable.
  8. On ABC's Good Morning America they just had a little feature on Taylor's release. They mentioned Lana and showed a few pictures of her. I was kind of surprised.
  9. This is on YouTube and official so I think it's OK to post. On my phone I can barely hear Lana. This sounds like a fake unreleased Lana song with people arguing if it's really Lana or not. It isn't.
  10. I just watched and am blown away. Obviously sad and awful for Lana. I am so impressed with her presentation. Through tough circumstances she speaks with clarity and maturity. We love you Lana and wish you the best.
  11. I haven't heard anything yet. My initial reaction when I saw Taylor's video about Lana was a groan. Yes it's nice for Taylor to acknowledge Lana as she has done before. My problem was the subject matter. I don't know much about Taylor aside from the fact she has been popular and successful for a long time. She clearly has some creativity. Of course Lana's talent goes without saying. So between the two of them the subject is falling in love with someone the same time they fall in love with you and it's hard to believe. Hardly the creativity I'd expect from accomplished women in their 30's. More like high school stuff.
  12. Found in the back room of a Hungarian record store. Written on Starbucks napkin. Snow on the beach Bikini on a chairlift Reality not in reach Get me off this night shift
  13. Promoting upcoming single, What the Hail's Wrong With My Man?
  14. Inside Taylor's head, "I can't believe I worked with Lana!" Inside Lana's head, "Taylor can't believe she worked with me!"
  15. Lana rumor, what could go wrong? I can't say where but a record shop in Southern India has announced a release date for new LDR record as mid March 2023. Working title, "MALIBU MOON". Some research shows that is the name of a famous racehorse! That's all I know. (Fake news)
  16. This is unfortunate and the person who did this can go to hell. Elle you need to come up with your own guidelines so you don't get pranked or hacked again. You know the way most of us should not click a link in an email or text that says our Amazon account has been closed or compromised. I guess pretty much, TRUST NO ONE! Thanks for doing such a great job on this site. We love and appreciate you. ❤
  17. Down on the Breast coast, they got a sayin'.
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