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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. Yay! It's done! ... Still not hyped.
  2. Closer appreciation post. This song does not get the love it deserves.
  3. I can type them up in a bit if you scan them.
  4. And you stan for Numbers? What kind of backwards opinion
  5. The whole song just sounds so generic to me. I don't like how in the first verse she's like "if I can rectify the-" like rectify the what. Ugh lol. The chorus is also really.. empty? to me. Like there's nothing going on at all. & then when it tries to pick up at her saying "I know that sometimes you wish I'd go away" it doesn't go much farther. I guess I also don't like the way she delivers the lyrics. The melody or whatever just doesn't do it for me. Kicks was close to the bottom of your list. Do you just not prefer it or am I going to feel the same strangeness towards you that you feel to me about Give Up? Because Kicks is AMAZING and idk how it's not more of a favorite from most of the people in the thread. & yay. I just reviewed Cocoon in her thread so if you're looking for somewhere to start that album, maybe my review can help. also this totally belongs in her thread but I made my own iteration of her album so if u can't get into the official one I have a good tracklist that works way better.
  6. I feel ya. The other day while ranking this shit with Sitar I realized almost everything is so great, so I can't really knock someone for preferring one song over another. How's That and Give Up though.. idk why but those songs are just annoying to me. I actually fell in love with Hide recently, I'd never given it much attention before. P.S. when are you gonna get into Queen of Hearts I want your input in my thread over there.
  7. I'll probably be the only one to do this but let me rank+review the album and put off this college stuff I should be doing instead.
  8. I command that you listen to Closer on a loop until you come to appreciate its ethereal beauty and rank it at LEAST in your Top 10... I mean to put How's That above Closer (or anything at all tbh lol I mean How's That is kind of awful) is just disrespectful! Kicks deserves more love too.. and what is Give Up doing all the way up there??? At least Water Me is where it belongs. I don't think she'll ever best that song, for me anyway. There's just something so special about it. Anyone have those official lyrics they can post here??
  9. it's kind of unlistenable tbh
  10. That's because she's a genuine and legitimate artist. No offense to the likes of Rihanna, but there is simply no competition when it comes to someone like her against Bjork. This woman builds an entire universe into an album and sustains it until the next with performances, videos, documentaries, etc.. and let's not forget about the music itself. I could listen to Vespertine for the rest of my life and never get tired of it. Most other artists make an album to just throw it to the side a year or so later, onto the next project. I mean, you can say she's been milking Biophillia, but ??? Like she made the album into a learning experience as well. Raised money for kids to get an education and shit. I don't feel like looking it up but I know she did a lot of good with this album involving education for kids that can't afford it and stuff. The concept behind the album is seriously amazing as well.. like. Just alkjfdhlsk. Bjork is probably the greatest example of a true artist I can think of when I take into account all of the things that should make someone just that.
  11. I want a full album / side project thing from them ASAP. From the two songs we have that they've done together - they just stand out a bit in her discography to me. inc. puts this stamp on both songs that is recognizable but not too similar and I think they're just amazing together; I need more. Guys since she still doesn't have much released music out let's make a rank for all we have (released) so far.
  12. Pendulum for those with good taste. I'm just listening to One Time and it's actually slaying me. She's gotta work with inc. more often. It's like a trance dream inside a pyramid.
  13. Two Weeks is the first twigs song you send to your friends to get them into her?
  14. Most of the time those noises fit perfectly into the songs, I feel.
  15. I'm ready for a new album.
  16. So there's no HQ download yet? From that snippet posted a few pages back, it sounded ok. I can live without it for now. @, did you finish LP1? What did you think of it?
  17. Please post here more I don't browse enough in other threads anymore so I miss your posts. Critical acclaim? I don't remember True Romance getting critical acclaim. Weren't critic reviews generally mixed? Edit: Yeah it's got a 76 on metacritic. Mostly positive reviews, but even those were just like "it's pretty good." I wouldn't say True Romance had critical acclaim. LP1 is a good example of an album with critical acclaim.
  18. Is SUPERLOVE on the album anymore?
  19. I love the record. I could never get into her from her first album, but this one is great. I'll have to go back and listen to the first one again and see if it does anything for me now. My Top 3 favorites from TIP are Paradise Is You, Sexotheque, & Let Me Down Gently. Paradise Is You is one of the best songs I've heard this year.
  20. Is LP1 the first time you've listened to her? Go listen to Water Me, Papi Pacify, Ultraviolet, Weak Spot, FKA x inc. If you don't like those then you probably need a hearing aid. Best album tracks are Closer, Kicks & Pendulum. Though most people love Two Weeks as well, so you might be into that one.
  21. I wasn't going to cry until I saw this. Genie is one of my favorite Disney characters & Robin Williams brought him to life like nobody else could have. RIP.
  22. I want a Florida Kilos video where she's actually cooking up a dream, turning diamonds into snow. I basically want to see Lana do coke with FK playing in the background. There'd be scenes of her at The Keys and then a beach in Miami and a trailer park with some golden-skin daddy type. It'd be perfect. This will sadly never happen. Probably. I'll hope.
  23. -_____- yeah fuck that. I'll go to the Atlanta show. See you there!
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