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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. My first thoughts on the artwork: Actually Monicker, it's probably a GIANT FUCKING OAK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HARSH WESTERN LANDSCAPE.
  2. I didn't say I don't like collabs, I just don't think there are enough for me to go look and see which is the most played. The second Lolita demo (the sexy Crash Bandicoot jungle one) would have been my top played demo if Radio wasn't. I just fell in love with the Radio demo though, something about it just makes me so happy. It's got great replay value too. I hardly listen to Sirens tbh, but Bad Disease is definitely my favorite from it.
  3. You can start by removing that degrading underwear, my god. It's so degrading. It needs to be removed.
  4. Yay! Thank you guys, I'll do my absolute best to be the best moderator there ever was. (even better than sitar over there, what a mess smh)
  5. I like this game. Born to Die: Lucky Ones 1,043 plays AKA: Smarty 330 plays (although Yayo is my favorite) Sirens: Bad Disease 21 plays Unreleased: Hundred Dollar Bill 1,075 plays Demos: Radio 839 plays Collabs: Not enough collabs for me to even care.
  6. I would like to be a moderator because I was a long time member of ldr.fm, and I'm not the type to antagonize drama or anything. I'm a pretty open-minded person so I'd be open to opinions and changes members may want to make to the forum. I'm a positive person and I love being on the forum and interacting with everyone here. I'm very active as well, which is important for a moderator to be. Thank you for reading and taking my application into consideration!
  7. It's kind of pathetic that people can't share their opinions on things and ask questions without people taking it too seriously and being rude. Some of these rules are stupid, and if someone wants to know why they're being enforced, then they have every right to ask, as members of the forum. I want to know though, lots of the threads in the news section are rumors. Most of the Lana news is rumors. So we can't post any of that? The news section will be dead, then, if that's the case. Can someone elaborate on that for me?
  8. I think her album was pretty solid actually, I wasn't expecting it to be good at all. I thought she'd just have Gucci Gucci and maybe Go Hard but she's got some good hits on there.
  9. I actually considered putting it in there, but then I remembered that you'd notice if I forgot, so I left it out. You've fueled my ego by responding when I expected you to, I thank you ever so greatly, Evil!!!!!
  10. If you like cocaine, trailer parks, depression, and auto-tuned animals, you'll love Lana Del Rey!
  11. I'm sure that wouldn't work, seeing as all the Lana fans hate you, you'd be heard miles away and they would all flee in terror.
  12. Of course this happens when I'm at school and the page is blocked. Well, good luck everyone else! (if anyone wants to send me the free download they get, that would be nice)
  13. I haven't figured out how to open FLAC files on my Mac. Calm down. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: I guess audiophile isn't the appropriate term then, I'm just obsessive compulsive with how my music is organized. If it can be bought from iTunes, I want it that way because when I check the song's info, I like seeing all that iTunes stuff. It makes it seem professional to me. I can't work FLAC files. Why does everyone hate Apple products?
  14. I've already got the song from when it leaked, but I want iTunes quality. I'm an extreme audiophile.
  15. You're like the only one playing, how sad. Born To Die 17 Off To The Races 18 Blue Jeans 15 Video Games 15 Diet Mountain Dew 14 National Anthem 16 Dark Paradise 15 Radio 17 Carmen 15 Million Dollar Man 14 Summertime Sadness 16 This Is What Makes Us Girls 15 Without You -1,000,000,000,000 Lolita 12 Lucky Ones 9,000+ Lucky Ones is forever better than Without You. Byee.
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill


    I stopped caring about her after Missundaztood. Her music just got really boring, love the first two albums though.
  17. I wanna know who let you in this thread... I feel uncomfortable with you even reading my post. Is he serious?
  18. Her new album was released Tuesday the 18th. I really like it. It's.. cray. I love her. Does anyone here like her? Yes, I'm beautiful, I'm gorgeous No you can't afford this You drivin' in a Ford, bitch
  19. Can somebody send me an iTunes bought .m4a file of it? Plleeaasseee. I can't afford it right now.
  20. I was going to make the general post in agreement with this, but then I noticed: Was that intended? Because it made me laugh really hard.
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