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Everything posted by 99centlips

  1. True. Also seems like the videos she wants to do she’s not allowed to or can’t find a director to do it. So she just kinda gave up
  2. Am I the only one who really doesn’t care about music videos? Yeah her earlier ones were really dope as was Tropico. But they just don’t do it for me. I dont have the patience to watch anybody’s but Lana’s. Also I think her BTD videos were so amazing because she worked on the record for so long and had so many ideas and thoughts about the album visuals pre-fame she couldn’t obviously do without a label. Once she had the resources she did everything she wanted to do and now it’s more about the music? Idk
  3. She took the extensions out? Must’ve been clip ins
  4. If these are just new songs she’s throwing around I’m very confused
  5. She sang in San Diego 2/15 and it sounded great. Don’t think she did it in Las Vegas or Hawaii so yeah that was the last time she performed it. If I saw the last performance of Love...Wow
  6. Your mind is so powerful and it amazes me 100% serious
  7. Oh my goooddd Okay this all makes sense now. Thank you!!
  8. I think she’s so traumatized from her first time singing Love live at Austin SXSW..it was so bad
  9. Not much has changed but we live underwater
  10. It was probably the intro to White Mustang? But yes tell us exactly what happened lol
  11. I used to listen to the shiny toy guns back in the MySpace days too..like 2008/2009 I think? Crazy to think about Lizzy back then, she was probably right there on the bands page! That I’m sure I visited once or twice! Is it weird that I’ve always thought you should be able to look up your own internet browsing history somehow?
  12. 99centlips

    Dua Lipa

    We stan Dua Lipa’s abs...
  13. Oh when and what context did she say this?
  14. I feel for you and it’s okay to feel sad. While meeting her is feasible..it’s also relying on luck, her mood, the crowds mood and so many other factors..whether she goes left or right when she comes down the stairs, etc. It’s all so unpredictable and I do think she comes down at the US dates to specifically see fans she knows and who follow her around and along the way meets other people for the first time. So I feel like that’s why she didn’t spend too much time down there for the Australian shows? It’s really unfortunate as she doesn’t come to Australia often obviously so everyone waits so long for a picture or interaction and if it doesn’t happen it’s just soul crushing. To be fair though other artists charge a lot of money to meet them like this, and people of Lana’s fame don’t even have paid meet and greets. So she is a saint for doing it but at the same time it can be difficult to get the opportunity and you kind of have to see her a few times for everything to line up perfectly (I had to try 3 times). I’m scared for when she stops coming down to the barricade for good. I don’t feel she can keep doing it forever and it also creates chaos and competition among the fans...people lining up earlier and earlier and acting crazier and crazier. But its such a special thing she does, it’ll be sad when it’s over.
  15. This wait is going to be painstakingly long cause she started teasing way too early...
  16. 99centlips


    She’s so cute I love her so much
  17. I like everything Lana does except for the song that must not be named. K I’m done hating on it that was the last time.
  18. She has more tour dates into August tho..
  19. Our tastes are so different but so the same..what’s your fave song on LFL
  20. You don’t/didn’t like Heroin?
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