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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. 18? WHEW wig FLEW! and people saying track 18 Life Is Beautiful just made my eyes pee tears. If that turns out to be true this will indeed be Lana's best album
  2. Really don't know why there isn't or wasn't ever a thread for this. I've been a fan of the games since i was able to hold a controller in my hand. I always loved the movies too, but this last one....I don't know I didn't feel up for it and then I just finally got around to watching it and I have to say that I'm not the least bit satisfied with the entire movie as a whole. The fight scenes and action were choppy and cheap, the supporting cast besides Claire felt cheap as well. There was no character build up or backstories. I didn't feel nearly as attached to this group like I did with ANY of the characters from the entire series. And I'm so disappointed with the beginning AND ending both. No Jill, no Chris, no Leon, no Becky, no ADA? They don't mention them at all. We were left with the interp at the end of Retribution that it was the survivors VS. Washington D.C., the last place structurally stable with survivors, only to be told a shoddy story about how everything went terribly and Alice is the only one left? //: WHERE IS EVERYONE FROM RETRIBUTION
  3. Veinsineon


  4. Cruel World - 103 Brooklyn Baby - 145
  5. National Anthem - 56 Ride - 97 Tropico - 20 Shades of Cool - 60 really want this to be over so we can add the new ones and keep love alive this time
  6. Cruel World - 103 Brooklyn Baby - 145
  7. Veinsineon


    the stems for this album are so cool they all have weird demon sounding synths like the casanova intro and those distorted voice things in paper love idk how to describe them other than surreal
  8. Veinsineon


    well she performed one acoustically
  9. Cherry is overrated. Only a few good lyrics and not even a full second verse It ends so abruptly too Who wanna bet this song was a contender on Honeymoon and lost to its successor - Freak .
  10. Veinsineon


    someone already cleared that up, but thanks
  11. Veinsineon


    24/7 told me Marry Me For A Night is a Billboard song from 2013 that is similar to Tumor.
  12. we all know she'll perform Love, Lust For Life, and Cherry on the 31st so im not even excited n
  13. can someone brief me on Ben snapping? it looks funny
  14. Veinsineon

    Katy Perry

    http://picosong.com/M7Vz made a full <3
  15. is she dating a rapper. enough of this slang
  16. yes! do you own a dildo
  17. Veinsineon


    full makeover LAD ladiexxxx
  18. Veinsineon


    me : patiently waiting for WAWW
  19. you're saying this like you haven't complained about it.....Ironic and i will not tolerate allie x slander in this damn thread.
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