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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    true but the fact that it got to blogs lmfao kasjdk :/
  2. according to people yosemite might be get free
  3. it will be out anyway through those sites that had the info of it
  4. i just did, queen of kpop
  5. maybe but it will be stupid cause like we have the whole thing already
  6. the only song that can choke is mm coachella
  7. how do we know sis!!!!!!!
  8. naachoboy

    Lady Gaga

    i believe they use the stems to do that
  9. yes but like i think all this drama over the titles is soo stupid.
  10. like its always the same with her, idk what this people is on
  11. a black coat for my emo soul
  12. just when i asked i looked for it and found it, thank you anyways <3
  13. what was the name of your icon's photoshoot?
  14. obviously not fake lmao those apps never lie, we got terrence loves you cover through them etc
  15. not me ah. i always believed that tracklist hehe
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