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Be Free

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Everything posted by Be Free

  1. is the smile edited with faceapp? there’s something off about it!
  2. Be Free

    Zella Day

    that’s just plain stupid. so if someone you know abused someone you would be like “that’s none of my business”? lmao bye. and the way you are saying someone should thank an abuser for their career????? LOL. get a brain
  3. Be Free

    Zella Day

    i can't believe she is working with him. hypocritical after saying she is a feminist
  4. https://web.archive.org/web/20081120190147/http://www.thisisthebestdayofyourlife.com/cinderella.html I didn't know where to post this, I found it years ago and always thought it was somewhat cute.
  5. Be Free


    Any masterpost???? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE
  6. I listened to the new songs just twice because they don't have replay value imo
  7. Be Free

    Zella Day

    Dance for Love is a bop
  8. Be Free


    I need new music!! Been bopping to "No Goodbyes" SO MUCH
  9. omg this whole thing reminds me of the china.palace mess
  10. Big Brother: LanaBoards edition omg imagine, it would be iconic Someone: "I have this unreleased song" And everyone starts throwing hands I need it on TV now
  11. Be wild like a flower Be wild like a flower Find fire in the blue sea I choose to be happy You and I, You and I Just like wildflowers in the sky omg... new lyrics
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