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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    That long? How is even possible? Isn't rape considered a heinous crime in US? Is it because it's a civil and not criminal lawsuit? Wtf! That's terrible for her in every sense, career, state of mind . Imagine waiting that much to restart your life. 
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    I personally believe her as I think no one in their right mind would make such abominable accusations for the sake of getting out of a contract. I believe her YET I do think because is such a terrible thing he also deserves the right of defense and a fair trial. It's a horrible thing what happened to Kesha which makes Dr Luck someone deserving of a life in jail. That said, it has somewhat to be proven. The same way we have to many man who are psycos and far to many woman victims of such loonies we also have a few woman who would take advantage of what happens to actual victims, woman and children lie too that's why we need a justice system.
    Rape is imo one if the most abominable crime in existence and Kesha's description on how he did it , so planned so calculated and for so long, makes it even worse.
    I also believe her working with him is not the strange part or at least not the strangest, since victims can somewhat get attached to their predators or be scared. I guess something like that can take your dignity away, self love and respect and when you lose all that, you can be a puppet in the hands of your aggressor. The strange part for me is her family behavior, her brother and mother. Now that's really fucked up imo.
    In the document there's only 2 questions that she swore under oath: If Luck gave her roofie and if she had a sexual relationship with him. There are several other drugs that can produce the same effect as roofie like GHB and it's derivatives. You need to do a blood exam in 48 hours to know precisely what was given to you. Since the question is so specific, I wouldn't throw Kesha under the fire just yet.
    About the sexual relationship: rape is not a sexual relationship. Rape is rape, that said if she was raped she didn't lie, she never had a sexual relationship with him since was never consensual.
    Well, this case in particular is extremely difficult for the justice system to take measures. Imagine throwing a man in jail over such accusations without proof? rape itself is hard to prove if the victim doesn't make a rape report (that rape exam ), you don't have a video or pictures with actual credible testimonies, in resume is fucked up for the victim to start with, imagine something that happened 10 years ago. I feel really sorry for Kesha because is fucked up and they will do everything to discredit her character and intentions.
    I also strongly believe a psyco that gets away with such thing for so long wouldn't stop at Kesha. There's a bunch of other girls that need to take a stand for Kesha to have a chance on this. If all this is true, which I believe it is, those girls exist and they need to speak up.
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    This is going to get nasty isn't? His rep didn't make him look good. When you need to use stupid things a pop star does to defend your client and not straight up deny the accusations , something is wrong.
    "Kesha spilled her guts to her shrinks in rehab about sexual and physical abuse at the hands of Dr. Luke ... so she claims.
    Sources connected to Kesha's lawsuit against Luke tell TMZ ... when the singer went to rehab in January for an eating disorder, she "spontaneously" began telling doctors stories about Dr. Luke ... that he drugged her, sexually abused her and physically assaulted her. The sources say the doctors kept notes that will become evidence in her lawsuit.
    The sources say Kesha's doctors advised her she needed to stay as far away from Dr. Luke as possible and one suggested she might die if she didn't heed their warning.
    As for why Kesha never went to the cops, the sources claim Kesha had a Stockholm-type syndrome ... she had been with him for more than 8 years at the time, and she didn't have "free will." 
    As for Dr. Luke, his rep tells TMZ, "That's preposterous. Just because someone says something to a doctor doesn't mean they weren't fabricated or part of an overall pre-planned campaign."
    The rep adds, "Her statements are false. It is important to note that these are just the latest in a series of bizarre public statements and actions by Kesha and her mother over the years, including Kesha's claim her vagina is 'haunted,' her drinking her own urine on her reality show, and her mother dressing up as a penis on the television show."
    Source http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/16/kesha-and-dr-luke-rehab-abuse/#ixzz3GPfVHBJX
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    That's the thing TMZ says the email her mother sent to Dr Luke's lawyers has 1 year
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    I think if Kesha remains alone on this sue he wont go to jail, because to prove rape after 10 years is basically impossible. I do believe she wont be alone tho, I think we will see more girls coming forward, let's hope Gaga is just a support act in this horror story and not another victim.
    I do believe his punishment will come from the International community, more then US's industry. I think the world is different at this moment. Every country/culture has their on rules in what is tolerable and what's not and a hit is only a hit when is international. Look at Chris Brown, you may think he got away with it but he was denied visa to the UK, Singapore,  Japan and Brazil among other countries. He was kicked to the curve by Rock in Rio and isn't singing at any major festival outside America. Yes he was sitting at the Grammy's, 1 year after almost beating Rihanna to death, but his ass was ignored at the Brits Awards.
    I doubt any major artist will touch him any time soon,  America may tolerate this but their international career would suffer a major damage. Bitches like that get treated like Ebola in South America and in this day and age the likes of Gaga, Katy, Rihanna can't afford a loss like SA or Japan/Singapore. 
    Why you think Gaga didn't release the DWYW video with R Kelly?? Can you imagine the size of the damage to her image when people outside US find out a woman as famous as her was working with a well known rapist? Worst, a rapist of underage girls?? I mean I know America Industry seems to don't care much, but here for example, I saw legends from artists to footballers lose their careers for a lot less.
    Dado Dolabella was a very famous, hot young actor, quite a good one. He had a fight with his girlfriend in a club, also a famous actress, and things got nasty. He beat her, punched a cleaning lady. In the end the law gave him basically what Chris Brown got but the industry and society as a whole were a lot more severe. He lost his contract with Globo International, lost his leading role in 2 major movies, and was black listed in several of the most high end night clubs.
    Rape/ Pedo/ Domestic violence in Asia and SA is the Ebola. 
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    As most of you know by now Kesha filled a Civil Lawsuit against Dr. Luke accusing him of assault, battery and rape. It's bizarre her description of what he did. I do believe in "Innocent Until proven Guilty" and I do believe in not putting Dr.Luke in a cross or hanging him at the moment. But I also think that Kesha  is telling the truth. Probably took her years to be able to talk about or even acknowledge the terrible and abominable things that happened to her. Since she was in rehab I imagine she got there the support and courage she needed to be able to finally tell her story.
    "The most incendiary allegations revolve around sexual abuse — specifically, how Dr. Luke allegedly forced her to snort illegal drugs and gave her "sober pills," which Kesha says were really a form of gamma-hydroxybutyrate, more commonly known as the date rape drug.
    On one occasion, the lawsuit reports, "Ms. Sebert took the pills and woke up the following afternoon, naked in Dr. Luke's bed, sore and sick, with no memory of how she got there. Ms. Sebert immediately called her mother and made a 'fresh complaint,' telling her that she was naked in Dr. Luke's hotel room, she did not know where the clothes were, that Dr. Luke had raped her, and that she needed to go to the emergency room."
    Here is the entire lawsuit with the court documents
    Dr Luke says is a lie and all she wants is getting out of her contract.
    Now Pebe, Kesha's mom, made public a email she send to Dr Luke where she mentions Lady Gaga as someone who will support Kesha's statement. In another words or Gaga saw - heard something or she was also a victim. This is beyond nasty tbh. 
    "We, me and Kesha and her friends, like Lady Gaga, are going to make all of this Really PUBLIC, in the next few days. Luke date raped Kesha when she was 18. Nicky Hilton's birthday? Paris Hilton's house? Luke gave Kesha pills. She ended up naked in his hotel room 2 days later. No longer a virgin?"
    What a mess. Imagine the testimonies to this case? Everyone in pop 2007 plus...Rihanna, Miley, Katy Perry....I believe a man that gets away with such abominable actions for over 10 years wouldn't stop at just one victim, if all is true, this is one sick monster. I hope Gaga is just a testimony because imagine if he did that to her as well, or other girls? What a disgusting mess and for sure is not going to end well.
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Which Song on Born to Die Are You?   
    This is What Makes Us Girls

    To be perfectly honest, you're a bit reckless. And you don't really seem to care. You love to be rebellious, and the most important thing to you is friendship. You have a tight-knit group of friends that you will do just about anything with! Keep on loving them, and remember to be careful about your partying habits.

  8. MermaidMotelle liked a post in a topic by Viva in Which Song on Born to Die Are You?   
    This is What Makes Us Girls

    To be perfectly honest, you're a bit reckless. And you don't really seem to care. You love to be rebellious, and the most important thing to you is friendship. You have a tight-knit group of friends that you will do just about anything with! Keep on loving them, and remember to be careful about your partying habits.

  9. heartbreakhigh liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   

  10. heartbreakhigh liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Stop? Who are you again?
    By the way I didn't say a word, I just post a video  of  the "greatest vocalist of out time" singing her pharynx and larynx out producing revolutionary sounds
  11. ConeyIslandQueen262 liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   

  12. Viva liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    also, I wish Lana kept her damn mouth shut didn't said anything about the upcoming album sounding like BTD/P because we all know it WONT 
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Stop? Who are you again?
    By the way I didn't say a word, I just post a video  of  the "greatest vocalist of out time" singing her pharynx and larynx out producing revolutionary sounds
  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   

  15. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Stop? Who are you again?
    By the way I didn't say a word, I just post a video  of  the "greatest vocalist of out time" singing her pharynx and larynx out producing revolutionary sounds
  16. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Stop? Who are you again?
    By the way I didn't say a word, I just post a video  of  the "greatest vocalist of out time" singing her pharynx and larynx out producing revolutionary sounds
  17. Viva liked a post in a topic by Sophia in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    stop. you're just making it worse now.
  18. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   

  19. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   

  20. Ziad liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   

  21. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   

  22. LiamViljoen liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   

  23. Viva liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    To the young troubled Katy Perry fan, how rude of you. 
    You are too young to be in this website, it is best to leave, just for the moment.  
    I am very sure that I have never discussed Mariah Carey on any Lana Del Rey thread. 
    I have only defended Mariah Carey from some rather, harsh, and even biased opinions from other members of this well-knit community from defaming a well-renowned vocalist from 76 centuries ago 
  24. Viva liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    wHAt? !? UV wAs TeRriBLe ! n..N.O0 pRoMO ??!¿ ShIT BOriNg JaZz mUsIc ! nO hIP HOp bEAtS ¿ ? whErE is eMiLE ?¿
  25. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    This thread is hilarious. The speculation and thirst is real LOL
    Hope she co-writes with Katy Perry and releases an album filed with "Dark Horse's " 
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