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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. I have a confession, I didn’t like Venice bitch up until 2 weeks ago, now I listen to it a few times a day and love it. Idk what was wrong with me
  2. Fuuuuck. I’ve only listened once when they were released and I almost died of ecstasy and I’ve refrained ever since.
  3. And wow. I can’t listen to the whole videos because I’m at a fucking bar but I’m literally CRYING at the bar
  4. Oh god #YAIL... and the pages and pages of trying to decode those emojis
  5. Where is she Is this era drier than LFL was?? That era felt like absolute torture but I feel like this is worse
  6. now I just want her to release that song so i can rename it “hillbilly mountain song” , I have a cabin by Yosemite and goddamn if it ain’t hillbilly land. Quality people watching territory
  7. EDIT I take it back, it is Yosemite lol I looked at chucks stories
  8. Officially reached the part of the era where I get IG notifications of Lana posts and don’t even get excited because I know it’s gonna be pics of shit I don’t care about and won’t relate to the album
  9. I wish I loved something as much as Lana loves those pants
  10. It’s like it was written in mandarin and then put thru google translate to Spanish and then run thru again to English
  11. LMFAO I’m crying!!! People, don’t scroll past this, watch it and bow down to our one true King Stan The man wanted nothing more than to keep singing it even when greeting/hugging his team
  12. Seriously as much as I love summer bummer and groupie love, I could have lived without them and the other collabs are straight trash. Pls no more
  13. Found my favorite beer tonight This brewery also has a Sad Girl beer..and a Sad Boy. I pray NFR has a song worthy of its own beer.
  14. Second to last one she’s so bored of the paparazzi She should introduce this lady to a hairbrush
  15. As @@ultrababy so eloquently stated, “it makes me feel like a bad bitch”
  16. This IMF slander is out of control. that and cherry and the rocky collabs are like the only songs I listen to from that album.
  17. Coming to sf soon? Like a show? Omg I hope
  18. And there’s our Cherry video haha
  19. I want to make a poll of who thinks the poetry book is actually going to happen. I’ve figured from the moment she said it that it’ll never happen. Poetry book and unreleased album are going to go down as the most tragic unkept promises she’s ever made. Or maybe I’m wrong. I hope I am! I’d buy it in an instant
  20. Was it the one they posted last night? It looked amazing, her hair was huge like BTD era
  21. I really had a dream last night she released cinnamon and posted a little video announcing it and ended it with a huge smile and said “it’s ghost written!” It was horrible
  22. Last year in An interview she said she wants kids and they asked when and she said “within 5 years”. Can’t remember which interview
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