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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. Lol it says “hope to hear her perform it” lmao so do we lolla, so do we
  2. Someone on reddit just said “lollapalooza Stockholm said she’s performing the lead single”, sounds made up and I can’t find anything else about it, does anyone know about that? Edit: nevermind they are dumb
  3. Am I the only one that hates this pic? It’s so..brown. (Cool concept tho with the art @jazzsingercultleadr, I’m just talking about that photo in general, not your take on it as a cover)
  4. Browsing bens ig, who does this commenter think they are
  5. I think it’ll stay open until she begrudgingly admits it’s scrapped to some rando on the street
  6. https://reddit.com/r/lanadelrey/comments/byxfvs/whats_your_story_of_meeting_lana/
  7. Do we actually believe this lol? She hates paradise? If it’s true tho, yeah more specifics about her silence to the NFR question would be helpful... choosing silence over her signature “it’s coming soon” sounds bleak
  8. Are you really calling a song you’ve never listened to terrible?
  9. Can’t believe there’s people here who don’t know graham, aka rob, Lana’s dad. I hope he’s ok and I hope he writes the longest most nonsensical essay in lb history upon his return
  10. We complained about the snippets endlessly because they spoiled the songs. I’ve seen people reminiscing about the lfl pre release era like it was a great one a lot. Do you guys have the memory of a goldfish? We were miserable and she was radio silent during most of it just like this era although this era is about 75x worse tbh. But I wish we’d stop romanticizing LFL era because it was honestly not good either.
  11. Maybe if these made up rumors like the one today keep getting traction maybe Lana will make a statement and clear the air... we should blow the rumors up. Lol I can dream anyway. She probably just laughs at us
  12. I don’t find that to be credible but it would be interesting if true. I thought stores would just censor it on their websites and maybe put a shield over it in store displays before refusing to sell it.
  13. Careful, everyone is gonna get annoyed and say Lana runs her own show and the label has nothing to do with this mess lol. But I agree, I think the label has something to do with it. It just doesn’t really make sense otherwise
  14. Ooooh my god it’s him?! I’m dying haha. I posted here recently that he cracked me up one time by making a post saying something like “don’t believe any rumors about NFR unless you hear them from Lana or myself” like oook you’re cool lmao
  15. I know we are all dramatic and I know this sounds dramatic and maybe it is dramatic but I’m being serious I called that the album was coming in October, like months ago I’m taking that back and I truly think it’s scrapped. This whole thing really doesn’t make sense
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/1131341473956257792 What does it mean?? Hopefully nothing album related.. because that would sound kind of negative
  17. Wait this is weird. Lust for Life album is up and NFR singles and a few other random singles but the rest is gone
  18. You mean where her vocals suddenly get super clear on the last couple words? Yeah it kinda stands out too much
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