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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. I’m back on the grid!! What have I missed? I just bought LFA and haven’t listened to the other new song yet, has anything else happened this last week? Do we know when the music vids are coming? Based on this one page, everyone is arguing about Lana’s political stuff which is probably exactly what she meant with that sassy caption originally announcing LFA.
  2. Random forest? Nah girl I’ll go live in Yosemite for a year. That’s almost where I’ll be camping this week anyways, extra good luck lol
  3. I’m going camping for a WEEK tonight and I will not have any internet, I’ll be praying for music videos and snippets and all that other good stuff to be here when I get back Historically Lana has done lots of stuff during my off the grid camping trips, like I always come back to good news so you’re all welcome in advance
  4. Absolutely not, that song is in my top 5. It makes me so sad how underrated it is by the fans
  5. I do think people got carried away dragging chuck on her post-people saw other people doing it and saw it as their time to chime in and get some aggression out and it was too much for sure. However, despite the over the top commentary, they weren’t wrong lol. Yeah the shitty album covers we got were because they were Lana’s vision BUT if chuck tried a little harder she could have made those photos better and still adhered to Lana’s ideas. Just because she’s Lana’s sister doesn’t mean she gets immunity from critiques on her work, although people should be a little more constructive/nicer about it.
  6. This post is several pages old sorry but you guys, I asked my mom for that vinyl for my birthday and she got it for $98. Then we got into a huge fight that day because she is a crazy alcoholic and we haven’t spoken since. It was in January. The vinyl is at her house, I only held it for 2 minutes So I hate the nfr uo cover but I bought it because I’m not missing out and contemplating spending $100 on a Lana vinyl ever again
  7. Ok I know Glasgow isn’t in Russia obviously but that is really how I’ve always pronounced it in my head I’m sry
  8. At least 1 bundle will come back in stock because I requested to cancel mine lol...I hope they get back to me soon
  9. Are we sure that was supposed to be the original cover that got rejected? Or are we just making it up and going with it
  10. So I got the pink and the green. Bout to buy an original black so I can put the green vinyl into the black one’s cover (the superior cover), put the pink one in the pop art style cover and put the black one into the fugly uo cover and only bring it out of the depths of my closet as a party joke
  11. She doesn’t know how to say no to her sister and feels guilty
  12. I have so many pages to catch up on but Holy WOW that uo cover has got to be the fugliest shit ever, I bought it instantly
  13. Really because I’ve always heard the opposite. And when I switch my receiver from phono over to Bluetooth or aux and play digital, there is a serious decline in quality. This isn’t to say all vinyl pressings are better quality. There are a lot of shit pressings out there
  14. Yes. The quality is much better if you have a decent turntable and speakers (not those suitcase players you can get for $40) It is kind of a pain to flip it and switch out discs and all that so I don’t exclusively listen to vinyl, I do it when I’m chillin at home playing games and drinking and when I’m doing chores so I’m up walking around anyways.
  15. I don’t like that change but i can deal as long as her vocals are similar to the one we heard and didn’t get the monotone treatment
  16. I like that it’s not her baddie friends in the trailer. Maybe she thinks they’re not real friends to her and didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of getting to be in a high profile music trailer. Lol this is wild speculation sorry I just really dislike that skirts and suits lady
  17. Yeah this was the first time I was prepared to buy one and welp
  18. I’ve only listened to each snippet once, thank god I have some self control because the songs will still feel super fresh for me due to my shit memory
  19. What is “islands it will know from this day forward” supposed to mean
  20. Whew I went back to sleep after pre order and just woke up to that magnificent trailer AHHH I FUCKING LOVE all the visuals for this era, truly. I didn’t care for any LFL visuals so this is so exciting for me. Still love the cover! Holding out hope that the blue one comes to the US or UO has a cooler color with a solid cover (as opposed to the tiled one)
  21. I hope the blue pops up in a US shop... $54 total from lostinvinyl bc of shipping
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