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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. So by RHCP vibes she meant a literal cover of a RHCP song lol ... that fake track list maker didn’t even try
  2. I didn’t expect her to say anything and therefore my day has not been ruined. A lifetime of pessimism and depression has trained me well. I was born to be a Lana stan
  3. Ugh if preorder is really the 9th I’m gonna be off the grid camping and coming back the next day. Limited stuff like box set/vinyl doesn’t sell out in a day right, I can’t remember the past releases lol
  4. At first I thought you meant like the album cover photo and I thought it was hilarious bc of course this figment of our imaginations of an album wouldn’t have a cover Anyways..I hope it doesn’t have a cover. The only cover I like of hers is doin time which won’t be on it. Rather have an original
  5. @@Clampigirl cosmos bipinnatus ‘cupcakes‘, these are from monet’s garden apparently
  6. I think it’s just jealousy of his money and ability to have unlimited time to wait in line to be center barricade at every Lana show. Don’t think he’s ever been accused of actually being an asshole or anything
  7. Omg where is heeee (( I’m 29 so younger than Lana at least but p sure older than most on this god forsaken website
  8. Yay my favorite part of eras is here. Trying to decipher code, talking about calling Barnes & Nobel for release dates and members exposing their own immaturity and shadiness. May this era be memorable afterall
  9. Damn some of you are delusional haters. She looks beautiful. I’m glad she’s been wearing wings and lashes again lately even if it’s only because of shows
  10. The movie thing is 1000% fake in my opinion. But imagine Lana putting in the work to be in a feature length film. She can’t even do proper music videos anymore let alone show up to a movie set every day for months. Too much work And those lyrics are clearly fake, not even worth entertaining lol This era has us crazier than ever
  11. I want something like this lmao But like a peachy beige color instead of green
  12. LFL era sucked a lot, it is just “amazing” compared to this era. She was MIA while we begged for promo just like this one but the whole thing wasn’t dragged out quite as long as NFR Remember when she live streamed at a scheduled time and then said she’d be doing that a few more times leading up to LFL and then never did again lol I wonder if the poetry book is still happening... she says 2 months for album but she said poetry book first. She stopped promoting the poetry and seems to have shifted towards her music again
  13. We are tippin, the preorder isn’t coming tomorrow and I’m bored can we plz discuss vinyl colors again Also the American date format is the best date format, I’ll let the driving on the other side of the road and the random “u”s sprinkled into words slide but I’ll die defending the correct date format
  14. Is there video of her shifty eyed “it’s coming iN a MiNuTE” so I can accurately analyze my depression about this era
  15. Will this song dethrone Independent Women as best Charlie’s angels song? Probs not but I think it’s gonna be really good. I don’t care if she only sings the bridge since she is the queen of amazing bridges but I hope it’s a long bridge without too much echoey harmonizing. I hope we get some cute pics of the 3 together in the studio, I’m not expecting a video lol
  16. I hope there’s a 24”x24” litho again and that the cover is good so I can buy it and replace my LFL litho on my wall because I bought it to get a concert promo code and I hate the cover and I’m sick of looking at it lol
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