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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. Remember when she teased cherry in the middle of the night on her story? And how fucking exciting it was?? can that just happen right now please???
  2. I can’t believe I’m contributing to this topic but the 4th of July is the one date we say with that format, because it’s like the title of the holiday (no one says Independence Day)
  3. My face when we reach 1k pages on an album we know absolutely nothing about
  4. She fucking loves that song, garden grove by sublime. She or jack or someone else posted a video/story of her with that song playing a month or 2 ago...and people lost their minds thinking the song was hers
  5. If she scraps cinnamon, I WILL go all @@salvatore on this forum for the next 10 years
  6. Can we revisit everyone’s fave topic, vinyl colors? I want something like this
  7. Holy fillers Batman He’s hot and looks like a heartbreaker. ldr7 will be her best
  8. I’m pulling myself out of what has been the worst week of my life, has ANYTHING happened? I need a new depressing song to cry to soon™️
  9. Wtf is this era? I’m starting to believe in the mid 2019 rumors. We should have been getting some promo by now surely? Magazines? Billboards?
  10. Today I learned the word “y’allternative” , is this the genre of those 2 songs she sang recently
  11. Yeah I have to switch to desktop version every time on my phone and then I have to tap every link twice to get it to open. An overhaul would be welcome and Elle has good taste so it’s not like she’d mess it all up
  12. Elle mentioned updating it just recently but most people lost their minds and said they like how it is
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