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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. If you haven’t already, do NOT look at the sublime ig comments. As a person older than the average user on this forum (I’m 29) and as a life long sublime fan, I am disgusted and annoyed as fuck at these close-minded, tasteless, deaf, crusty, puka-shell necklace wearing members of our society. They don’t deserve to hear lana’s version
  2. I hope she sees how much everyone is enthusiastically responding to this certified bop and makes future music accordingly
  3. I’m a sublime fan and I LOVE it but I’m also a bigger Lana stan. Wish she kept the last chorus where Bradley went all weird with the vocals and said “la-la-Louie”
  4. I wish she’d make a cute little video for the bop of the summer “doin time” and post it on her honeymoon account
  5. Lmao it was a joke. I realize it’s hard to find humor in these trying times but life still goes on
  6. Maybe she’s doing immersive research for her Norman Rockwell concept and she’s lying when she says it’s done because these vapid girls who think they’re the shit just keep inspiring her best record ever .. lol
  7. HOLY SHIT where is graham?? Can’t believe I forgot about him. I need a crazed essay stat
  8. Are you talking about Doin time? If so...well I don’t usually judge people’s taste but uhhh
  9. I looked at the sublime ig comments once and vowed to never look again. Not worth my sanity
  10. Urgent update: my husband has always pretended to not care about Lana and we’re drunk and I asked him if he likes her songs and he looked at me and gave the worlds tiniest nod. I’ve recruited another stan, it only took like 6 years
  11. No chance, she’s maintaining her radio silence after this promo she’s prob being forced to do
  12. That would require her acknowledging NFR’s existence
  13. Not my favorite singer covering my favorite song by my friend’s ( who just passed away last month) favorite band. It’s like destiny. When I found out about my friend, I was at a bar and the second I read the news they put on a sublime album, it was the weirdest thing. She was from the LBC. This song will be so special to me I can’t wait to hear it in good quality!!
  14. If it’s a sublime cover is she gonna change the first part to “Lana’s on the microphone with ..’whoever’” and change Louie to whatever chucks dog’s name is since she doesn’t have her own dog?? Lol I just don’t see this cover happening but I think it could be dope if she did it. Also not sure she’s well qualified to represent the LBC
  15. Well she went through a phase of obsession with garden grove so It doesn’t sound completely out of the realm of possibility, however I couldn’t imagine her singing that song so yeah. lol
  16. Lanadelnews thinks they’re bffs with Lana. Not long ago there were fake rumors flying about something (can’t remember) and lanadelnews posted something like “don’t believe anything about the album unless you hear it directly from Lana or Me” I was cracking up at how self-important they feel, acting like they are Lana’s paid management lol
  17. I think we should add the word “meltdown” back to the title
  18. I’m gonna be in LA for like 17 hours starting tomorrow night. If I get blessed with a Lana sighting I promise to skip the selfie and ask for real information about the album. 0% chance of a run in but a Stan can dream right
  19. Someone a few posts up said she deleted it and liked a reply explaining it was a concept about the male ego not a dig on Norman or something
  20. It was like “jack Kerouac didn’t have to name a book t.s. fucking Elliot to be cool Lana so get off Norman’s back” I paraphrased because I can’t remEmber exactly and don’t feel like going back. Her albums are on my Spotify, what country are you in?
  21. Thank god I’m coming to this thread to find you guys are as petty as me. I’m not typically this judgemental but that blonde chick is so basic and I hate her, I get weird vibes from her like she isn’t friends with Lana in a genuine way and just craves the attention
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