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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. She was supposed to be on at 8 yeah? I’m assuming she’s not on yet though lol
  2. The setlists were lacking (not as badly as this tour) but yeah it was a good tour otherwise! Much cuter outfits and remember she talked more, she talked a little about her personal life at a few shows and of course was in a great mood during it. She also sang honeymoon and paradise. I don’t want to talk too much trash about her shitty mood lately...could be something is going on. Remember she said before one of the shows that she had just received bad news? Idk, I know at any job we are supposed to put our personal problems aside and be professional, but we wouldn’t have the Lana we love if she was any good at hiding her emotions lol. Not to totally excuse the shitty mood though, it is disappointing but I just don’t want to drag her toooo hard over it. A light dragging, if you will
  3. Lana stream NFR and learn your own lyrics before the show challenge
  4. I don’t think anyone is bratty for thinking Lana should know her own lyrics, or at the very least not get pissy at fans for not knowing her lyrics.
  5. Why is she suddenly saying no phones? She’s never seemed to care before. I wonder if she’s hoping it will cut down on people screaming the lyrics while she sings?? Or something? Not complaining, I think it’s probably a good thing...unless she sings some rare songs that can’t be recorded lol I wonder if the same rule is being made for Berkeley (since it’s before sac)
  6. The stans are interrogating Byron about the setlist now and he’s not being shy about his opinion! It’s official, Lana doesn’t care to add new songs to the setlist cause she’s getting that coin no matter what
  7. Uh, no. Honeymoon is phenomenal. You as a user kill me. all of your posts, I’m either like “yaaaas I agree 100%” or I’m like “nah girl...” there is no in between. And for this, I love you. You contain multitudes
  8. Norman fucking Rockwell - 14 + Mariners Apartment Complex - 21 Venice Bitch - 19 California - 19 Bartender - 69 (-) (???)
  9. I think a lot of people don’t find DT to fit the album and it was added on last minute so I get it. But they’re wrong because DT is awesome
  10. I’m not as depressed now that I can’t afford to go to the Sacramento show
  11. I have a serious question. When you guys camp to get front row, how do you pee? Do people hold your place so you can run to a bathroom? Do you just not drink anything?
  12. Who is Candace? This is the second time she’s posted a selfie phone call with her
  13. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 (+) Mariners Apartment Complex - 21 Venice Bitch - 23 California - 20 The greatest - 1 Bartender - 56 (-)
  14. She has the whole bridge, it’s basically a verse but she’s kinda doing the mumble singing like in FIILY but still it’s a tangible singing part. Also the only good part of the song
  15. There’s no chance this song debuts #1 as people are speculating, or even makes it in top 10, it’s so bad! It’s not even catchy like I can’t even remember any of the words except the words in the title. Lana’s part is the only decent part. I love the video though, gotta love Lana throwing knives and hitting the crotch
  16. WHEW what a horrific song, Lana’s part was the only decent part and I’m not saying that because of my obvious love of Lana. Loved the video tho
  17. Does she actually sing rather than harmonize/whisper in the background because that’s what’s im expecting ugh I want to hear it
  18. Someone once told me their young daughter called it “summertime sandwich” so sometimes I go with that rendition
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