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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. I fuckin love doin time. I’m a big sublime fan and it’s my favorite song of theirs. I mentioned here when it was announced, one of my very close friends had just died only a few days before and sublime was her favorite of all time and I always think of her when I listen to them so the song is really special to me. I hate seeing the slander against it lol
  2. Doin time and cinnamon girl are def ties but I’d have put CG as the top #1 lol. Also 1-12 are all 10/10 for me so the ranking is sort of pointless, bartender is like 9/10 and idk about love song, I really can’t get into it but she’s cute
  3. I’ve never cared about Grammys for Lana but now that she said in that interview that she cares, I care a lot. Like, she better fucking get it
  4. Jesse rutherford is the singer from the Neighbourhood his ig is @jesserutherford
  5. Just got my green vinyl yay it’s so cute. But what is the purpose of having a gatefold if all you’re gonna put is the credits. At least make a cute background behind them... Also I thought there was a booklet with the vinyl....kinda disappointed. I purposely haven’t looked at scans of the booklet because instead I expected it to be with the vinyl. Whatever
  6. What on earth...I’m not a huge political person but uhhh this is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. Sorry Lana
  7. It’s a turntable echoing pincurlsandpearls, don’t get a suitcase player no matter how tempting the price is. The needles are shit and tracking weight is heavy and will ruin your records. Not to mention the sound coming out of the built in speakers is horrible, you’re better off playing from your phone speaker. Audio-technica lp60 or lp120 would be a better starter table. 120 is better but more pricey. They both have built in pre-amps so that is helpful but you need a stereo receiver and speakers too, hopefully you already have those because they are a whole nother expense
  8. The prospect of WHF prerelease era being worse than NFR is daunting BUT I do want as much NFR visuals etc as possible. This time will always be special to look back upon since it is her magnum opus
  9. I listened to the snippet she teased once and hated it and disregarded it ever since. But after hearing it in full, it’s amazing and I love it. I still hate the tour lyfe part but it’s ok
  10. Title track rankings? Honeymoon Norman Fucking Rockwell Ultraviolence Born to die . . . . Lust For Life Honeymoon and NFR are neck and neck tho
  11. Skip list: All of lfl except cherry, summer bummer and groupie love Blue velvet Art Deco DLMBM Burnt norton National anthem
  12. Bartender is so weird, and maybe it’s my premature Halloween decorating affecting me but it’s kinda creepy
  13. For realz And I’ve even found an affinity for Guns N’ Roses lately, I never skip it anymore lol
  14. Is it all downhill from here How will she ever top this album I fall more in love with it every listen
  15. I was worried I wouldn’t like the subdued version of FIILY but luckily I love it just the same as the single version
  16. Why did I think it was gonna be translucent pink lol I love this! It’s like perfect bubblegum/hot pink Is the green solid or translucent?
  17. My uo vinyl is arriving today and this whole time I thought it wasn’t even gonna dispatch til today I’m sooooo excited to finally hear it on vinyl. My official lime green is coming Saturday while I’m at work, I’m gonna kms if it gets stolen off my porch
  18. Oh my god I completely forgot about the livestream and only tuned in at 6:49, I hope someone recorded it
  19. Do you guys think cinnamon could be a hit if she’d push it to radio? I think it would. I hope she does something with it
  20. It’s also kind of a giant convenience store. Much smaller than Walmart for example but it has pretty much everything. I love rite aid lol
  21. NFR > uv > hm > paradise > btd >>> lfl Sorry if we’re not doing rankings anymore but I’ve finally decided NFR dethroned uv but only barely by a tiny hair
  22. So the consensus is that tnbar is about Barrie too right?
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