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Everything posted by Leo

  1. Is she trying to finally get rid of me and the other 27 loyal straight male fans with this album title??
  2. Shades of Cool - 14 + Brooklyn Baby - 19 West Coast - 17 Pretty When You Cry - 13 - Old Money - 17
  3. Cruel World - 8 Shades of Cool - 11 Brooklyn Baby - 12 West Coast - 9 Sad Girl - 9 (+) Pretty When You Cry - 8 Old Money - 8 Black Beauty - 8 Is This Happiness - 7 (-)
  4. Don't do it Imagine you can only listen to 20 Lana songs for the rest of your life and that the order decides how many times you get to listen to them. The results will be so much more accurate if people think like that Anyway, I just finished my list, and so many of the the songs I had to leave out are fucking classics................ Can we pick 100 songs next year?
  5. Leo

    Marika Hackman

    I don't know if anyone still cares about this but I'll keep the thread somewhat updated anyway. In her new video for the song "Drown", Marika has obviously been inspired by Lanas open support of domestic violence and rape. She has taken it a step further though. Here you can see her glamorizing (read: depicting) murder by drowning!:
  6. Leo

    Marika Hackman

    Any particular songs you like besides Bath Is Black and I Follow Rivers? Just curious
  7. Leo

    Marika Hackman

    I'd like to but Itunes files contain the name and email of the purchaser and I'm paranoid about sharing that on the internet. Don't know if that makes me really lame...? But if you want to check out all her stuff you can find everything (that I know of) except Here I Lie on Soundcloud
  8. Leo

    Marika Hackman

    Love this video. Wish we had something similar with early Lana. The "You follow the road, and it was just a dust" - part becomes so beautiful in that setting somehow
  9. Leo

    Marika Hackman

    She has released 4 EPs. Her first full-length album wll be released in February 2015
  10. Leo

    Marika Hackman

    Yeah Bath Is Black is great and definitely the easiest of her songs to get into. But Drown>>>
  11. Leo

    Marika Hackman

    I've only known about Marika Hackman for a couple of days, but I can already say that she is the most interesting new artist I've heard in a very long time. That's why this is the first thread I make in this section. Her music may not be the most accessible you've heard, but give her an honest chance and hopefully you'll find something you like! Bio (copied from wikipedia due to laziness) Songs to get you started Music Videos Discography Other available songs Upcoming Releases Listen to her music for free on Soundcloud or buy it on Itunes or wherever!
  12. I don't know about the others who didn't like Ultraviolence, but that's not the reason for me at least. Out of everything she's released, Body Electric and Ultraviolence are my two least favorite songs, and that goes for the live versions too. They both somehow sound so unimaginative to me.
  13. Absolutely love Shades of Cool, enjoy West Coast, and hate Ultraviolence with a passion
  14. First time I'm disappointed this era, worst song by far from UV so far imo
  15. I rewatched the ending at least five times and my jaw dropped lower every time
  16. West Coast was a sign of great things to come. Shades of Cool is proof of that greatness. It almost killed me at first listen. Seriously, during the chorus I felt the strongest euphoria I've felt since maybe the first few weeks of discovering Lana for the first time. I was a bit sceptical the first seconds, but that passed quickly. This is probably an accurate description of my reactions during this song:
  17. I'm not directing this specifically at you Youandme, cause I've seen this type of argument earlier in this thread and also in threads discussing her tracklist, promotion etc. But I wonder; why is the opinion of people who don't/hardly know about her so important to some of you? That's one of the least interesting things at this point if you ask me, and I don't think it's very important to Lana either. She has a large and loyal fanbase now and with that comes the freedom to, at least to a greater extent, pursue her own visions without worrying too much about how she'll be received by the general public. That's what makes this era so interesting to me, because she hasn't really had that kind of freedom before. This cover probably just "struck her visually", and that was it. I don't think much more thought was put into it than that. And that's completely fine by me, I strongly prefer it that way than some "desperate call for attention"-cover. I respect the approach to just choose a beautiful cover and then let the music speak for itself. That said, the cover definetely could have been better with a little more creative "out of the box"-thinking.
  18. I don't know if this is the one you're referring to, but around 3:30 in this interview she says she's "not invested in a ton of female musicians".
  19. I think I like the verses more in this one, but prefer the chorus and ending in the original.
  20. The only thing I can complain about is that it doesn't look very "Ultraviolent". Otherwise it's way better than the btd and paradise covers imo
  21. I see no reason not to be overjoyed with this tracklist. Here's what I like most about it: The songs are long! That's a strong indication of quality in my opinion. FMWUTTT. There are few (if any) things that beat controversial Lana. Black Beauty. It's an amazing song that seems to be very important to Lana, so it deserves to be on an album and not just some unreleased song. When she first mentioned it, it appeared as though it was originally meant to be a very central track on the upcoming album, and I'm glad she didn't let some idiot completely destroy that by leaking it. And however great the demo is, it's a bit too monotonous for a five-minute song. Hopefully this version will be more complete. Cruel World is Lana's favorite from UV, it's the opening song, it's her longest track to date... If that's not cause for hype, I don't know what is. We finally get to hear Old Money!! The Other Woman. The original is beautiful and I love all Lana's covers, I think I've preferred all of them over the originals. With as much as 14 tracks on the album, I don't mind that one of them is a cover at all. I like that there's a track called Ultraviolence. I'm very curious about how it will sound.
  22. I don't know, people usually complain about too many threads, and since the article is mainly about Ultraviolence I thought it would fit here. Didn't really expect such reactions though.
  23. Before people start taking this interview (assuming it actually took place) too literally (too late it seems), let me remind you that what Lana actually said was first translated into swedish by the interviewer or someone else on the newspaper, then translated back to english by Google Translate and me. So please chill, this is most likely pretty far from what she actually said. However, I personally don't find the interview very upsetting even in it's current form. There's a big difference between describing fantasies/themes and actually supporting domestic violence. So once again, please don't blow this out of proportion.
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