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Everything posted by missdelreyxo

  1. it wouldnt b fair to do that
  2. i remember people bashing artpop but it was personally one of my favorite albums from her. Perfect illusion didnt have that wow factor but im not gonna judge the whole album on that song.
  3. disappointing i was looking forward to it i wont do a full judgement on it until she releases ha album
  4. here sweeties http://66.media.tumblr.com/796686939809c54736f1e7cb82c1263d/tumblr_nkuzicJFn61tj3p7zo1_500.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m82ur8Jf2m1rogl95o1_500.gif http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me44ou7kjt1qcvn4vo1_500.gif http://67.media.tumblr.com/870e7f1152275109dcee0e716da5296e/tumblr_n9khd1exrk1sj8fqio1_500.gif http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTcxNDIwMTYxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODUzNjQyNzE@._V1_UY1200_CR212,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg http://data.whicdn.com/images/45451964/large.gif
  5. i just want on record when i made a comment about another artist people tried me but this is funny to some people like idgi?
  6. i mean i love when i say those things people bash me but when someone else does its cool @ my beyonce comments @ people who criticized me btw i still stand by what i said beyonce is bug eyed and ugly without foundation sorry and her number of song writers matches the number or layers of foundation she cakes on as well (19) and also my sister got me into melanie i initially didnt like her music but i listened to porcupine and i fell in love i am not going to unstan someone because u think she ugly but everyone has an opinion and unlike others i wont tell u your being rude because guess what its your right to comment this is a forum melanie is unique unlike try hard banks or halseyhussy
  7. lana brushing her hair? poolside short film 2009
  8. i saw photos of the houses inside and those are so perfect for her right now tranquil and earthy
  9. ur my king im ur queen and just because someones really famous doesn't make them any more or less attractive or defines their significance so and anyways, isnt her music, sheep music? her and her 300 writers bow down to her tho...
  10. lol i still stand by what i said but
  11. i like it tho, never stanned her but i appreciate her music
  12. your girl fine china how many bussy pics does eclipse need to leak those please the gays save us
  13. Coconut key lime pie. Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Fine China Your Girl
  14. well if you can pm me the link please because i cant find it
  15. oh i thought it was the full
  16. i appreciate this comment ill learn to be respectful of others opinions next time, i apologize i just feel the way i feel.
  17. id like to know how is it racist to say someone has bug eyes? lol what a reach. beyonce looks like a bug, im sorry but its my opinion. thanks tho. when will ur fave? http://olwomen.com/lana-del-rey-without-makeup/ lolololololol i prefer pre 2011 beyonce if at all
  18. ace dont neither is bug eyed yonce or forehead queen rihanna
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