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Everything posted by therealmikedealer

  2. This song is so addicting I literally can't stop listening to it for a second
  3. Does anyone know Wtf she's talking about in the first verse?
  4. Lana should get back to write her own somgs Nowels chord progression are so predictable after sooooo many tracks together
  5. I also like trap music but I thought that she had a nice concept but it was executed poorly, tooHBTB tried to be something she can't pull off during her hm era OTTR was the closest she got to that sound but that song went in a different direction
  6. Ditto. But I guess she still has the "old" one tooI like it though
  7. Yeah Benny Blanco can do better than this BTW do we know if Nowels is also involved in production or only songwriting?
  8. Lmao I've been listening to it for 5 hours on loop instead of studying lol, my mind is so confused right now
  9. It doesn't really sound like it has strings to meProbably some cheap synth (well I doubt they'd have instrumentalists playing for a pop demo nowadays) I really hope it isn't finished
  10. I love the pre-chorus + chorus but the rest is sub-par Crossing fingers we'll get something a bit better
  11. West Coast > Ride > YAIL > Video Games > HBTB Nvm I can't make up my mind Lana is always so good
  12. TBH I really hope the full is a demo, the other snippet was more lit®Where are the insiders™ when you need them?!
  13. Maybe I'm going crazy listening to this on repeat but.. I heard the full song and the chorus seems to have less prominent drums than a previous snippet Are we sure the leaked version is the final one?
  14. Every ad has a director but it would be overkillShe ain't ever doing it, y'all a joke
  15. She just release whatever she has very soon, I hope the album isn't coming soon though I just want to enjoy one song at a time They're too precious to be consumed nonchalantly
  16. Maybe she had BIG plans for this M/V (or whatever it is)
  17. TBH it's been almost one year since the song was recorded; in Lana's standards this is such a long time haahhaha
  18. No way P. S. Who the f said her singing was theatrical? Lmaooo
  19. Lana is prolly crying in the bathroom at this point if she doesn't say anything
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