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Everything posted by therealmikedealer

  1. video games 14 west coast 59 shades of cool 44 brooklyn baby 40
  2. I always skip National Anthem's chorus because I can't stand it. To me, it sounds soooo annoying, childish, boring and banal. The rest is good tho
  3. well... lana has already started her witch era @graham4anything wait, how are you a fan since 2005?
  4. Y'all deluded She ain't releasing nuttin
  5. I enjoyed it!!! But she could've done better, and she proved it I'm not here to hate on her I love her That's why I'm so critical, because she has the potential
  6. Lmaooo I never said she should get back to the low quality à la "Noir", still many fans enjoyed AKA whilst it wasn't a product of a major label. She is famous and wealthy enough to deliver quality content AND staying independent. I reckon she released "lazy", uninspired videos but it's only because she wasn't profitable enough. DRAG ME HARD THO
  7. Love is already too basic and is probably her most mass-friendly single. This album better not be ha BTD the US version
  8. As a matter of fact, she should leave her label. She doesn't need a big budget for her projects. For instance, just take a quick glance at the number of collaborators who contributed in the writing process and production of Lemonade versus what she needed to complete Honeymoon. She has already enough fans. Better to have "fewer" fans who buy your music, than to have "many" who only listen via YT, TV and (free, too) streaming (whose deriving revenue is insignificant anyway)
  9. why do we need tv performances?? if you wanna watch her singing live, she could upload something recorded in an intimate setting at least she'd perform better in 2017 internet is more than enough to discover and enjoy the music of new artists
  10. OMG!!!!!! New political song lyrics leaked!! It sound like she's going back to her "alternative rapping style" for this smash hit It's called "US" She's dragging hard Trump making fun of his racism, sexism and homophobia <<These niggas really like sister niggas You know them sweeter than a spritzer niggas? I know niggas probably kissed a :) I know niggas probably dicked a :), huh>> I'm so SHOOK
  11. She can do whatever she wants but Nowels needs to go to the moon for a while, and she'd better let Justin Parker and Tim Larcombe write something for her
  12. It's awfulIt removes many interesting sounds and replace them with boring drums that aren't even exciting enough for the GP Disaster
  13. That mess ruined the perfect drums by Benny
  14. it's enough to FEEL young and to have LOVE IN YOUR HEART" Oh my heart.....
  15. How I picture y'all listening to this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7J95KzFyu_0
  16. It could fit with this era's themeI feel like she'll explore a plethora of styles this time!
  17. I noticed (but probably it's mostly me lol) that the melodic phrases aren't exceptionally infectious, although very mellifluous, whilst still gearing a bit towards who wants a more "upbeat" track. Overall, it makes it less forgettable than your classic single (it may have a good replay value).
  18. It sounds nothing like anything she has ever released Obviously she isn't completely changing her iconic style, but you have to recognize the freshness™
  19. Can't you see the message of hope, peace and acceptance?
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