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Everything posted by therealmikedealer

  1. Never have I seen someone exploiting an era for so long
  2. I like when she sings *slightly* off-key on UV and her voice breaks a little bit
  3. Inb4 she gon pull a yail and it'll be renamed to Record
  4. Some artists let one entire year interpose between a single and the full album...
  5. Pre-chorus + chorus together is ~70sec So she might remove one of them and shorten another pre-chorus
  6. I don't get what she should remove to make it 2 minutes shorter
  7. honeymoon - 10 (+) music to watch boys to - 14 (-) god knows i tried - 18 art deco - 36 religion - 20 salvatore - 33 the blackest day - 42 Mess I was too late loool Update honeymoon - 10 music to watch boys to - 13 god knows i tried - 18 art deco - 37 religion - 20 salvatore - 33 the blackest day - 42
  8. Unpopular opinion 2: the production of Love renders the track memorable (Although I'd prefer Auerbach style) Therefore if she always sticks with the same bland songwriters, she needs to go back to this sound
  9. I don't understand how this song could be a single. It should be a promotional single like HM, but isn't the video overkill then? (even if also HM had a vid in its conception, although severely modest)
  10. This would flop But it's amazing nonetheless Halving it would just take away from its idiosyncrasies that make it so unique
  11. FTFY Yeah, she couldn't say "really", "heck" was the only possibility
  12. Are we sure the beeps are part of the song? Lmao They're so random and loud Plus, why would a demo be gapless?!?!!
  13. But she said the album wasn't about her direct experiences It could be read as a universal message, idk
  14. Unpopular opinion: leaks are low-key the most exciting aspect of an era
  15. https://s3.postimg.org/esesgrw83/Screenshot_20170228_034448.png
  16. I'm checking and they removed many links but it's still easy to find :/
  17. Wtf lana You got me worried with Love Now my faith in heaven is back
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