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Everything posted by therealmikedealer

  1. Lana is gonna announce she’s the supreme and perform descensum live on IG
  2. At this point I’m so delusional I’m still gonna pretend I’m listening to WW if it doesn’t drop nope nope no one can stop meeeee
  3. This forum is gonna go down in 2 hours no matter what
  4. Lana, Mike, Niko and her selphies are too shook to speak Hearing the new songs gave them aphasia
  5. That’s literally the opposite of what I would say about BB
  6. Well, our favorite grandma can’t get a number one hit
  7. I can’t believe an adult could have such strong feelings for a chart for someone rich that they have no actual connection to like what
  8. What a pretty day in LA to release an album, too bad it’s not the day I chose, you little Walmart fuckers, I’ll contemplate at Costco only from now on
  9. Sometimes I wonder if people even really know what chemtrails actually are (supposed to be)
  10. Lana giving me trust issues to the point I don't even believe she's performing tonight y'all ahhaha
  11. "so since you heard that one already I'm reading my poem about Sylvia, bro"
  12. you also gotta consider that straight men wouldn't be as likely to say they listen to her and go to her shows unless "my girlfriend wanted to go"
  13. do y'all think Lana really has mostly gay male fans or is it because of the place, like the demographic that uses internet forums about pop music? like on r/lanadelrey there are more straight guys than gay guys according to the census and going by the comments and posts (I saw a meme that was like choosing the right Lana at night, that is Del Rey or Rhoades... and I wouldn't see something like this here) but Reddit user base is skewed towards US white middle class cis straight men in their 20s but it's still interesting to see that Lana's sub is really about her music and her as an artist in general while if you search for other female popstars you mostly find sexualised pics and that's it I wonder if Lana is kinda special for a mainstream pop female singer (I consider her pop after all) for instance, many fans of Abel could enjoy her music too and I think she kinda has this niche that isn't commonly filled by female singers especially since NFR, her music seems less (pardon the cliché) "girly" (I think the average straight guy would rather listen to MAC than, say, Lolita) speaking of MAC, she literally says "I'm your man" and her whole attitude is more "I'm not like the other girls" (not pretentious like Billie tho) think of the daddy outfit with Jack ahhaha I wonder if Chemtrails would go down a more glamorous style or would continue along that direction seen with NFR
  14. I saw all these new pages and thought something happened and well, not what I expected lol
  15. last gif is also Elle's reaction to this post BTW if you think about it, she's done quite a lot of promo for Violet I don't see her spending much more time on it
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