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Everything posted by therichwhores

  1. I don't mean to change the subject but I woke up singing Life is Beautiful. anyway can't wait for YAIL
  2. what other accounts got deleted sis? I know honeydelgrant and taylor secman but I don't know others
  3. I am not that excited about the release. I just wait here like a corpse. I feel like Lana lost her motivation because of all the things that happened.
  4. this fandom is the worst thing EVER happened. just saying. there is no respect to an artist everyone's critiquing every little thing like they are Rolling Stone Music Editors. It is just too much.
  5. Is she still bitchy to her fans?
  6. Is it weird that I never finished listening Cruel World. Always skipped. Same with FMWUPTFHS too.
  7. I want to hear fine china but the full and original version. I would love LDR5 if it had songs like Fine China - without blubblububeubublueeee part -
  8. we will never hear one again - "it all seems stranger than a stranger"
  9. HALLEULUU. that should have happen but music industry won't work like thaatjsatgdahahahasafdaha
  10. ultraviolence mv was shot too sis but we never get to see that. but i like your idea. hoping itll happen
  11. this actually made me LOL. about LDR5 - I want more MV really. I know everyone went crazy about Freak but I think i am more Blue Jeans MV type of person. It feels more personal
  12. no shade but what do you know about music industry? if you know so much, why don't you just make someone famous? Music industry (Pr, marketing etc) is not just about hanging out on ATRL, flop pop forums. people invest lots of money on this stuff and do you think they make their decisions with checking POPFLOPFFDD forums?
  13. why my message was deleted? i am not the one who started the drama.
  14. 'we' ? gurl you are not even Mod.
  15. I love how we all are talking about her producers, songs. want to tell her who to work with or what to do with her songs. its kinda funny how we think we know enough lol.
  16. I want receipts about that. no pun intended. i found it : https://www.instagram.com/p/BOl4lJCl138/
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