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the ocean

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  1. Jack donoghue liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Unpopular Music Opinions   
    megan gets put through so much shit i have so much respect for that woman
    putting herself through medical school while building up her rap career, getting shot, getting attacked by almost the entire hip hop community as well as some twitter gays, on top of just being a black woman in america
    she has the absolute fucking right to immolate everyone and instead she's sat down and eaten her own food and basically have watched everyone turn themselves inside out to crack her
    she shouldn't have to go through all this shit but i have so much respect for her for simply keeping her head up and doing her thing and being open about doing her thing
  2. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by the ocean in LANA SLEUTHING   
    wrong thread
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    isn't the president of ukraine literally jewish? also yes the azov battalion was incorporated into the armed forces but that seems to be before zelenskyy was elected president...
    again i'm no expert but russia is certainly not denazifying ukraine
    russia itself right now is practically in nazi territory
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    the fact that there is a public hit on his life and he is still in ukraine trying his best to lead the country says a lot about him as a leader
    obviously he's not perfect - no politician is - but he is certainly trying
  5. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    gonna spoiler this because this is (potentially) a controversial opinion that (potentially) not many agree with - plus it's a hypothetical situation and a off-handed comment that probably won't happen and i'm not intending to insult anyone affected by this
  6. bogdan liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Cursed Images of Lana del Rey   
    this isn’t cursed it’s adorable
  7. Surfing Diva liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The Masterpost Thread   
    my ethel cain masterpost:
    i'm gonna go back in and redo it so i can get rid of some of the upscales and maybe make an impromptu text file tracker to put in it but this is the linque
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    russia is also part of the united nations
    so is china
  9. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    while i don't like most of reputation i actually lowkey love LWYMMD
    end game, so it goes & this is why we can't have nice things can go rot in a ditch though
  10. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    since we're sharing lover tracklists
  11. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    btw i meant no shade to demi btw i just haven't really heard much from them besides... the singles lol 
    i think that the singles from unbroken & demi were a little underwhelming but they completely snatched young me with confident whew
  12. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    continuation of my katy perry album corrections redos
  13. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    can you make another thread then? <3
    this is a joke especially because every thread turns into a disagreement 
  14. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    i don't even consider britney jean an album i just pretend it goes from femme fatale to glory
  15. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    i can appreciate the effort but i'm not sure if britney jean is even salvagable
    literally the only remotely listenable songs are work bitch, perfume & alien and 2 of those aren't even sung by britney
  16. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    i like peacock i'm just not sure if it fits in the album
    lowkey could see it doing good on witness now that i think about it.....
  17. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    just made this one
    Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
  18. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    that song gives me flashbacks and not the good kind 
    i will not miss eurotrance / techno that can stay in the 2000's
    edit: 3 posts in a row
  19. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    i adapted this from one i saw a long time ago on LB but it's pruned a bit cause the original one was like 23 tracks long
  20. ScarlettHarlot liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Cringe at r/lanadelrey thread at reddit   
    i think the main problem is that some men refuse to see women as real people
    and lana being famous is just the cherry on top of the misogyny cake
  21. helloheaven liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Create an Unreleased Lana Album/Playlist   
    so here's how it's looking right now
    Sirens outtakes
    AKA outtakes
    Born To Die outtakes
    Paradise outtakes
    Ultraviolence outtakes
    Honeymoon outtakes
    Unreleased Vol. 1: The Phenomena Of Lizzy Grant (basically my fanmade version of steven mertens AKA but with rich whores era tracks thrown in - 2006/2007 time frame)
    Unreleased Vol. 2: South Beach Swing (the AKA sequel - 2008/2009 & a couple 2010 tracks that all have a surf noir/psychedelic vibe)
    Unreleased Vol. 3: Daddy Issues (the pure pop 2010 era tracks)
    Unreleased Vol. 4: Miss America (2010/2011 americana ish tracks)
    Unreleased Vol. 5: Vulgar Darling (2010/2011/2012 sadcore tracks)
    Unreleased Vol. 6: Melancholia (UV & HM outtakes that i don't feel particularly fit either album)
    Unreleased Vol. 7: Champagne Sighs (misc laptop / low quality demos)
    songs i have no idea where to put right now
  22. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The Masterpost Thread   
    masterposts / trackers i have bookmarked (that haven't already been posted):
    allie x (not sure who made this but it was posted on LB): https://mega.nz/folder/gbpBza6R#w4RrarjcA1-ksTKJxz3_Bw
    beyoncé (made by someone on lcx): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uuF4cextoP3D4cLTe4ekxXEsjfAGfDo6EKlejqzxXSk/edit#gid=298548692
    bonnie mckee (made by @Glitter Boy): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vkizx_xtxAp2tGJXYHoVYwm_IOIuddSmS3On99eflXk/edit#gid=0
    brockhampton (made by someone on lcx): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gM4-rRghgRUBr2cgWNsh-nawlUuh43guAM63dYVTdt8/edit#gid=0
    britney spears (made by someone on lcx i think): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EhK4h2VWHpxfoH3M1mDZ02GraxIAIkN-MnP_YADEqXc/edit#gid=0
    charli xcx (made by @dance4u & @ualreadyknowwwwwwwwwww): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cMSYDgOuMfr7dKmmKJv3_-8_8FG9ZtrzvrZn9zk-tTU/edit#gid=0
    dua lipa (made by @BlackoutZone): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zMRfiOwBV0HBfqvGANYIxff-lR2BCaRmkM9vFjLbpgg/edit#gid=0
    frank ocean (made by someone on lcx): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10YnGWa56OHTyTqb5-m8SXaj3Gl7kfcyFZmr2LLt-u3M/edit#gid=1656502994
    kimmy p (made by @Glitter Boy): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tZoixJRMDWZTRQK0VWxsciwadix5vsBc8LnNe5jIatQ/edit#gid=0
    lady gaga (made by @rockwellfckingnorman): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bAhclcjCZwyE4G-IKFASvvGOqd3Ar5e1ob7EqRdQCTY/edit#gid=1008791555
    madonna (made by someone on madonna-infinity): https://mega.nz/folder/7VBBWJAS#xPHz2DkbMVQenbkCvW_fWw
    miley cyrus (made by someone on lcx): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FquP2Yg89aYVOdDWXEO6kcrxtUQyvIYBoDs7VtdCU9U/edit#gid=436420468
    tinashe (i have no idea where i found this): https://mega.nz/folder/T1RE1KiR#JybG9KuYEQzMszcRBOLSyA
    the weeknd (made by someone on lcx): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Zkjo5FTYnI_GAMIjALKmqaApe1D28XbgjKub3iVROqc/edit#gid=0
  23. DYKTTAHOLB liked a post in a topic by the ocean in The Masterpost Thread   
    just a reminder to not post anything that can be purchased or streamed legally here
    this includes snippets
    the reason why: you get banned (and it could also cause the site to get a DMCA take down notice, which is another reason why you would get banned)
  24. ionut liked a post in a topic by the ocean in LDR Producers Survivor   
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